
lán zhà
  • Fence;barrier;railing;palisade
栏栅 [lán shān]
  • [palisade] 〈方〉∶木棍纵横交错编成的遮栏

栏栅[lán zhà]
  1. 纳特:今年没有,但有一个人跑到我们附近,为了避开狂牛,跳过栏栅,摔断了腿。

    Nat : Not this year , but one guy broke a leg when he jumped a barrier near us to get out of the way of a bull .

  2. 这边有个栏栅,往那边去。

    There 's a fence here , which is over that way .

  3. 底栏栅式渠首输水廊道的水力计算

    A hydraulic calculation of catch-water channel of diversion works of bottom grating type

  4. 两叠玻璃板用纤维绳系紧在旁边的栏栅。

    The two stacks of glass panels were secured to the side railings by fibre ropes .

  5. 浅孔留矿法平底栏栅底部结构研究与实践

    Study on the structure of the flat - bottom of short - hole shrinkage stope with grid fence attached

  6. 底栏栅引水枢纽具有结构简单、施工方便及造价低廉等优点,在我国应用较广。

    Bottom stockade diversion junction has the advantages of simple structure , being easy to construct and cheap to build .

  7. 旁边还用木栏栅围了一间牲口圈,养有几头牛羊。

    Also next to the wood fence Wai an animal laps , a few head of cattle and sheep dependent .

  8. 游客在护送下穿梭于被安全栏栅围着的最致命的植物之中。

    Visitors will be also escorted through the grounds , where the most deadly plants are being kept behind security bars .

  9. 相反地,它渲染避风港之外的罪咎,并建起重重栏栅而藏身其后。

    On the contrary , it emphasizes the guilt outside the haven by attempting to build barricades against it , and keep within them .

  10. 铁栏栅被(完全)锯断了,那犯人逃走了。交通拥塞使道路交通完全中断。

    The iron bard had been sawn ( clean ) through , and the prisoner had escaped . The traffic jam filled the street up completely .

  11. 但我知道华南虎在栏栅的背后已经走了很多年,坚强的水泥地早已经磨破了它的利爪。

    But I know , in the fence behind , the South China Tiger had walked for many years * strong concrete floor had already frayed his sharp claws .

  12. 他们走上车斗,尝试将玻璃板放回原位,以让它们可继续靠著车斗两边的栏栅。

    They went up the carrier and attempted to put the panels back to the original position so that they could remain leaning against the side railings of the carrier .

  13. 水流挟带的大颗粒泥沙越过枢纽的栏栅顶面而送到下游,使这种引水形式的排沙引水效果良好。

    As water carrying gravels and pebbles flows over the screened intake on the top of the diversion dam , it shows good efficiency in diverting water and sluicing sediment .

  14. 你在监视我,你是不是要象你妹妹苏爱伦那样向你妈告我的状呢?说我又跳栏栅了?

    So , you 've been spying on me . And like your sister Sue Ellen , you 'll be telling your mother on me , that I was jumping again .

  15. 从四面八方可以看见满面愁容、浑身湿透的军官,仿佛在寻找什么东西,还可以看见从村中拖出门板、条凳和栏栅的士兵。

    On all sides they saw officers drenched through , with dejected faces , apparently looking for something , and soldiers dragging doors , benches , and fences from the village .

  16. 为个人安全着想,不得攀爬园内的任何设施,包括音乐喷泉、人工湖、围墙、笼笆、树木、栏栅、栏杆、柱或其他建筑装置或物件来进行摄影。

    For your own safety , no climbing on fountains , lakes , walls , fences , trees , barriers , railings , posts or other structures and erections to take photos .

  17. 其中一叠玻璃板用直径7毫米的纤维绳系于栏栅,而于事件中倒下的另一叠则用直径15毫米的绳子。

    One stack of glass panels was tied by a fibre rope of diameter7mm to the side railings , and the other that became toppled in the accident was by one of diameter15mm .

  18. 我们使过道起着沉重的骚音,我们下着楼梯,经过了院宇,在栏栅门口,王亚明也赶到了,并且呼喘,并且张着嘴。

    We tramped and clattered along the corridor , down the stairs and across the yard ; but at the wicker gate she caught up with us and called out to us , panting .