
shì cóng
  • attendant;aide;retinue;acolyte
侍从 [shì cóng]
  • [retinue;aide;attendant] 指在帝王或官吏身边侍候卫护的人

  • 陛下在他的侍从簇拥下走向祭坛

侍从[shì cóng]
  1. 吴王见状大怒,一挥手,左右侍从一齐放箭,这猴子难以躲藏,终于中箭,报树而亡。

    Upon seeing this , the King because furious , and with a wave of his hand , the attendants around him shot all together . It was hard for the monkey to dodge4 the arrows , and eventually , struck by arrows ; it died , clinging to a tree .

  2. 国王的侍从身着华丽的红白相前的丝绸服饰。

    The king 's attendants were resplendent in red and white silks .

  3. 国王的侍从在旅途上陪伴着他。

    The king 's retinue accompanied him on the journey .

  4. 全球反腐败组织透明国际(TransparencyInternational)印度分会前主席R・H・塔希尔亚尼(R.H.Tahiliani)表示,为了逃税和躲避反腐败调查,印度有钱、有政治后台的人有时候会把巨额财富放在他人名下(比如侍从和壳公司等)。

    The wealthy and politically connected in India sometimes hold large amounts in the names of others -- from servants to shell companies -- to avoid tax officials and corruption investigators , said R.H. Tahiliani , former chairman of the India chapter of Transparency International , the global anticorruption group .

  5. 他在一次会议上向他的侍从表明了意图,说他已经下定决心,他计划第二天先对Kira进行一番侮辱,然后将其击倒,之后自己承担后果。

    He announced his intention to his retainers during a meeting , saying that he had made up his mind and , the following day , he would strike down Kira after the first insult and then would suffer the consequences .

  6. 就像许多曾经为浅野家族工作的侍从一样,他们找到了新的职业——有的成了商人,有的成了木匠,有的甚至伪装成了僧侣。其中,有一名随从ōishi竭尽全力消除Kira的怀疑。

    Like many of the other retainers who once worked for the Asano clan , they found new professions - some became merchants , others became carpenters , some even posed as monks . Out of them all , ō ishi went to the greatest lengths to allay Kira 's suspicion .

  7. 他被任命为太后的侍从武官。

    He was appointed as an equerry to the queen mother .

  8. 当作侍从服侍;像侍从一样侍侯。

    Attend upon as a squire ; serve as a squire .

  9. 想要个得体的侍从还真是件难事。

    A half decent servant is hard to come by .

  10. 对于波拿巴和侍从们我向无恶意。

    I knew no harm of Bonaparte and plenty of the Squire .

  11. 穿着制服的侍从推开两扇大门,女王出现了。

    As liveried footmen swung double doors open , the Queen appeared .

  12. 你很聪明,不像侍从。

    You seem too bright to be just a servant .

  13. 或扮演宫中走廊上经过的侍从

    or a passing servant in the corridor at Versailles .

  14. 他几个月前还是侍从.

    he was a squire until a few months ago .

  15. 比尔·盖茨曾是美国华盛顿州国会的侍从官。

    Bill Gates was a congressional page at the Washington state Capitol .

  16. 一个被当作贵妇人贴身侍从的女仆。

    A maid who is a lady 's personal attendant .

  17. 电报是艾希礼的侍从莫斯打给媚兰的。

    It was to Melanie from Ashley 's body servant , Mose .

  18. 普伦德和威尔科克斯成为共同的贴身侍从。

    Plender end Wilcox became joint grooms of the chambers .

  19. 我的侍从多的不知道该打发他们去干什么。

    I have more squires than I know what to do with .

  20. 一个被他的雇主看作为私人侍从的男仆。

    A manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer .

  21. 我是劳赞侯爵的侍从。

    I am the valet of Le Marquis de lauzun .

  22. 公爵,伊济安,狱卒,官吏等,及其他侍从等上。

    Enter duke , aegeon , gaoler , officers , and other attendants .

  23. 封建社会中给其它爵士做侍从的年轻骑士。

    A young knight in the service of another knight in feudal times .

  24. 查理说完,抛下贞德带领他的侍从走了。

    After the words , Charles left with his retinues out of Joan .

  25. 侍从和司机穿的制服。

    A uniform worn by some menservants and chauffeurs .

  26. 他还只是个待从-琼恩艾林的侍从.

    he was only a squire-Jon Arryn 's squire .

  27. 他是威尔士亲王的侍从。

    He is equerry to the Prince of Wales .

  28. 我们在那儿找到了华盛顿将军和他的侍从军官。

    There we found General Washington and his aides .

  29. 有个侍从放了一张长凳在钢琴前。

    One of the servants put a bench in front of the spinet .

  30. 国王带着他的侍从们去旅游了。

    The king sallied out with all his servants .