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shù dòng
  • tree hole
树洞[shù dòng]
  1. 因怕丢失,用油纸包裹,一直藏在门前千年古树的树洞里。

    Because of fear of loss , Zhang hides it in the tree hole with oil-paper parcels .

  2. 王月将树洞画形容成一个美丽的旅途,通过它们来为自己的家乡增添乐趣和活力。

    Wang describes her tree hole paintings as a beautiful journey through which she adds fun and vitality to her hometown .

  3. 我在一棵快要枯死的榆树的树洞里安了家。

    I made my home there , in the hollow of a dying elm .

  4. 我自己是一只蝴蝶由树洞飞出来。

    There 's myself , a butterfly flied out from the tree .

  5. 松鼠常用树洞储藏坚果。

    Squirrels often use a hollow in a tree to store nuts .

  6. 把鸟巢建在树洞里可以保护它们的幼鸟。

    Building their nests in trees helps protect the bluebirds ' young .

  7. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了。

    The children scrambled out of the hollow tree .

  8. 夜晚来临时,她就爬进树洞,睡在里面。

    Into this she crept when night came , and here she slept .

  9. 他们把我扯出树洞,按在地上。

    They ripped me from the hole and pinned me to the ground .

  10. 我是只蝴蝶自由飞入树洞里。

    I was a butterfly flying freely and went into tree 's hole .

  11. 她的下一个目标是想借树洞来讲故事,而不再只是画一些单个的小动物那么简单。

    Her next aim is to tell stories rather than painting individual animals .

  12. 冬季来临前,松鼠总要在树洞里储存很多坚果。

    Squirrels store a large number of nuts inside trees before winter comes .

  13. 树洞为它们提供了一个安全的巢穴。

    The hole has provided a secure nest .

  14. 把电视插座插到树洞里。

    To plug the television into that dog .

  15. 我邻居中有一个人住在树洞里。

    There was a man in my neighborhood who lived in a hollow tree .

  16. 但有很多的树洞都被占据了。

    But many tree holes are occupied .

  17. 两人就挖了很多,堆满半个树洞。

    So , they dug a lot of the roots and pile them in the hole .

  18. 浣熊睡在空树洞里。

    Raccoons sleep in hollow trees .

  19. 然后,欢天喜地的孩子们拽着他下了树洞。

    And then , as so often before , the gay children dragged him from his tree .

  20. 有些动物会长出浓密的毛发,或者居住在树洞或地下来保暖。

    Some animals grow thicker fur , or live in tree holes or underground to stay warm .

  21. 警察在一个树洞里找到了藏匿的小刀,还有赃款。

    The police found a knife together with the stolen money , hidden in a hollow tree .

  22. 我们抓住了他,我溜进树洞,和他交换了生活。

    We grabbed him , and I slipped into the hollowed space to switch my life for his .

  23. 在开始画画前,首先要清除树洞里的灰尘。

    Before I began , I also had to clean off the dust from the tree holes first .

  24. 奶奶总能看到有一些蜂儿从高高的树洞里嗡嗡地飞进飞出。

    Grandma could always see a few bees buzzing in and out around the opening high in the tree .

  25. 现在的问题是,怎样钻进树洞,或者说,怎样把他的喽罗们塞进树洞。

    The question now was how to get down the trees , or how to get his dogs down ?

  26. 这些鸟卵藏在树洞里、草丛里、各种各样的鸟巢里。

    The eggs lie hidden in hollow trees , clumps of grass , and in many kinds of nests .

  27. 第一场雪来临时,它们就藏进洞穴&深的树洞、山洞、里面铺有野草的坑洞。

    With the first snow , they den & deep in hollow logs , caves , shallow holes lined with grass .

  28. 每天数以百计的人来到这条文艺小街,用相机记录下这些新派树洞画,无意间竟造成了交通拥堵。

    Hundreds of people are visiting the artistic road to take photos of the new paintings , inadvertently causing traffic jams .

  29. 当其他的孩子拿着武器从树洞里跳出来的时候,糊涂的图图,俨然以胜利者的姿态站立在温迪身边。

    Foolish Tootles was standing like a conqueror over Wendy 's body when the other boys sprang , armed , from their trees .

  30. 王月说:我看到街边树木落光了叶子,树干上丑陋不堪的树洞十分显眼。

    When I saw that the trees by the roadside had lost all their leaves , the ugly tree holes became obvious , she said .