
  • 网络Campus Activity;Activities
  1. 大学校园活动与创新教育的互动关系

    The Mutual Acting Relationship between College Campus Activities and Creative Education

  2. 我们不能去冒长期中断校园活动的危险。

    We can 't risk a prolonged disruption of campus activities .

  3. 苏珊积极参加校园活动。

    Susan takes an active part in campus life .

  4. 社会科学工作者声称,差异存在的部分原因是,低收入家庭可以花在音乐课或学前班上的资金较少,日上的灵活性也较差,所以陪同孩子去博物馆或参加校园活动的机会也少。

    Social scientists say the differences arise in part because low-income parents have less money to spend on music class or preschool , and less flexible schedules to take children to museums or attend school events .

  5. 作为一个大学校园活动者,她发现了自己的个性(b沃尔特夏皮罗)

    Finding her own personhood as a campus activist ( bWalter Shapiro )

  6. 在雪城大学的冻伤案件中,纽-阿尔法-斐兄弟会被禁止在校园活动,担任入会考验主管的两名会员——金泰(TaeKim,音)和杰弗里·任(JeffreyYam)遭到欺辱的轻罪指控,正在等待审讯。

    In the Syracuse case involving frostbite , Nu Alpha Phi was banned from campus and two of its members , Tae Kim and Jeffrey Yam , who served as pledge masters , are awaiting trial on a misdemeanor charge of hazing .

  7. 大部分学校都无法资助所有的校园活动。

    Most colleges are unable to fund every event on campus .

  8. 方琳解释道:这些限制是为了避免校园活动过于商业化。

    Restrictions are set to prevent campus activities from becoming overly commercialized .

  9. 为了吸引更多的赞助商,他们不得不把校园活动变得商业化。

    To attract more sponsors they are forced to commercialize campus events .

  10. 这些学生因积极参加校园活动而受到表扬。

    These students were praised for their active participation in campus activities .

  11. 请注意我在校的学习成绩和校园活动。

    Please note my academic achievements and campus involvement .

  12. 许多学生组织者抱怨赞助商的要求令校园活动变得过于商业化。

    Many student organizers complain that sponsors ' demands make campus events too commercial .

  13. 学生基本建立校园活动话题作文的词汇、句式包。

    The students know the four aspects to cover when writing about the topic .

  14. 制作殿堂是主办校园活动而成为各校办活动必联络邀请歌手的机构。

    DMD is the organization that exclusively organizer the school college autograph sessions events .

  15. 关于戏曲进入中小学校园活动的探索校本课程&农村小学创办科技园的探索

    School-based curriculum & exploration on setting up science and technology park in rural primary school

  16. 市中心区广场上的跨年狂欢往往比校园活动更具魅力。

    The countdown carnival in a downtown plaza is usually more attractive than a campus event .

  17. 深入开展延安精神进校园活动,是一项十分有意义的工作。

    It is of great significance to launch more campus activities in the light of Yanan Spirit .

  18. 你会知道很多校园活动以及学会如何融入集体。

    You will also usually be aware of any campus activities and how to be involved in them .

  19. 商学院必须研究潜在捐赠者和校友们的兴趣,找出让他们参与校园活动的方式。

    Schools must research the interests of potential donors and alumni and find ways to engage them in campus activities .

  20. 为了发挥这种移情作用,很多中国大学也组织了一系列校园活动来普及心理健康知识。

    To develop such empathy , many universities in China have organized campus events to popularize knowledge about mental health .

  21. 在读书期间,只要有可能,我就找一些工作干并参加一些校园活动,积累与人打交道的经验。

    Whenever possible , I look for jobs and campus activities that would give me experience in dealing with people .

  22. 这些联谊会的成员可以参与校园活动,志愿者工作,也可以住在联谊会里参加聚会。

    Members take part in campus activities and volunteer work , and may also live and go to parties at Greek houses .

  23. 我在学校是个校园活动的积极参与者,是学校读书协会的副秘书长。

    I took an active part in a variety of activities on campus and served as vice-secretary general of the University Reading Association .

  24. 大力培养其创新能力及实践能力,从而进一步揭示了校园活动由于灵活性、实践性强、内容广泛、容易激发学生兴趣,完全可以成为素质教育的有效载体。

    Discovers that the campus activities can be the important carrier of quality-oriented education because they are flexible , practical , informative and attractive .

  25. 从2005年开始,教育部决定每年在全国普通高等学校开展主题性的高雅艺术进校园活动。

    In 2005 , Ministry of Education made a decision that every year colleges and universities should hold theme activites about introducing classic art into campus .

  26. 本文论述了如何借助校园活动来加强对学生的德育、人文素质及心理素质教育;

    The paper aims at exploring how to enhance moral education , humanistic education , quality in psychology , creativity and practical ability by the campus activities ;

  27. 对于该项目团队建设的措施研究,不仅将推进这一个项目的团队建设,同时还可以为高职院校校园活动、社团活动的团队建设提供有益的借鉴。

    The author not only will push the research on a project team construction , but also can be a beneficial references of the campus and club activities .

  28. 大一的时候可以多参与校园活动,对校园环境多加熟悉,多上一些不同的课程看看你最感兴趣的是什么。

    You can try a lot of activities , get your feet wet on campus and take several different classes to see what it is you most enjoy .

  29. 校园活动是围绕着鼓励每一个社区成员表现自己的天赋及尊重多元社区中的每一个成员的观念建立起来的。

    Campus life activities are built around the concepts of encouraging each community member to express his or her talents and to respect all members of our pluralistic community .

  30. 如果你住在校外,你可能很少参与校园活动,这可能会让你有种和大学脱节了的感觉。

    If you live off-campus , you may be less involved with campus activities , and this could cause you to feel a sense of detachment with your college .