
jiào zhèng
  • check;correction;adjust;revise;emend;rectify;proofread and correct;rectification
校正 [jiào zhèng]
  • [emend;rectify;proofread and correct] 进行校对,加以改正

  • 校正资料

校正[jiào zhèng]
  1. 浅谈测量数据的校正与转换

    State Briefly about Check and Conversion of the Measured Data

  2. 光电寻边器在振动轮加工校正中的应用

    Application of photoelectric side - finding device to vibratory drum machining check

  3. 我正在校正西班牙语版本的校样。

    I 'm correcting the proofs of the Spanish edition right now .

  4. 此后载入的所有ccd图片将针对此暗场图片做校正。

    A dark frame calibration is automatically applied to all CCD images that are loaded thereafter .

  5. 要求用直接测定法校正间接测定法。

    A direct means is required to calibrate the indirect method .

  6. 工业CT散射校正方法的研究

    Research of scatter correction on industry computed tomography

  7. WATCH平台提供了完善的注水剖面污染校正技术。

    The perfect injection profile contamination correct technology is provided by WATCH platform .

  8. 分析研究了激光防撞雷达动态成像的校正算法及其在DSP上的实现。

    The imaging property of laser radar obstacle avoidance system is analyzed .

  9. 应用斯托克司方法与莫洛金斯基理论计算重力似大地水准面,然后用GPS水准进行拟合校正以提高精度。

    The correction of GPS leveling calculates geoid and improves precision with satisfied achievements .

  10. 隐式PID自校正控制器及其应用

    Implicit PID Self-tuning Controller and Its Applications

  11. 应用Fuzzy理论,建立了模糊控制规则和模糊控制PID参数校正表。

    Fuzzy control rule and PID parameter 's modification table for fuzzy control are established by using fuzzy sets .

  12. 多变量自校正解耦PID控制器

    Multivariable Self-tuning Decoupling PID Controller

  13. 自校正预估PID控制器

    Self-tuning Predictive PID Controller

  14. IgG阳性与心肌梗死的出现相关,校正了各影响因素后危险度为2.0。

    The positive rate of IgG related to the occurrence of myocardial infarction .

  15. RC校正网络与SD补偿装置

    RC corrective network and SD compensative unit

  16. ICP-AES中光谱干扰及其校正方法的研究

    Research in ICP-AES spectral interferences and their subtraction methods

  17. 以距离传感器为例,将基于BP神经网络的校正方法应用于减少距离传感器的非线性输出误差。

    As an example , a correction method based on BP is applied to reduce the nonlinear output errors of range sensors .

  18. 在PID校正中着重加强微分超前调节作用,缓解了系统相位滞后的问题,从而使系统得到较好的稳定度和响应速度。

    It focuses on differentiation in PID adjustment , amends the phase lag problem and gets better systematic stability and response speed .

  19. Gamma校正是数字图像显示前必不可少的操作。

    Gamma correction is a necessary operation for a digital image before it is sent to display .

  20. 并采用VB程序设计语言,开发出一套基于这几种算法的动平衡校正系统。

    Then designs a system of dynamic balance emendation based on the arithmetic above adopting VB programming language .

  21. 自校正信息融合Wiener滤波器及其收敛性

    Self-tuning Information Fusion Wiener Filter and Its Convergence

  22. 总确定校正发病率为0.40/10万/年〔95%可信区间(CI)为0.37~0.42〕。

    The total ascertainment corrected incidence was 0.40/100 000 / yr ( 95 % CI : 0.37 ~ 0.42 ) .

  23. 对计算中用到的材料参数如体积比热容Cρ、导热系数λ和热扩散系数H进行了实际测量和校正。

    With actual measurement , some thermodynamic parameters such as bulk specific heat volume C ρ, coefficient of heat conductivity λ, and coefficient of heat diffusion H were obtained .

  24. 自校正解耦信息融合Wiener状态预报器

    Self-tuning decoupled information fusion Wiener state predictor

  25. SPECT图像重建中的衰减校正算法比较

    Attenuation correction algorithms in SPECT

  26. MOA阻性电流的带电测试及其角度校正

    On-line measuring resistive current of MOA and its angle correction

  27. 单标准FIA梯度校正催化动力学的光度测定法

    Single standard FIA Gradient Calibration Technique in catalytic kinetic spectrometric determination

  28. 窄分布聚苯乙烯在不同淋洗剂体系中GPC的普适校正问题

    Study on the universal calibration parameters for GPC in the system of polystyrene and different eluants

  29. Li2SO4水溶液结构X射线衍射测量条件的优化和数据校正

    Optimization of Analytical Conditions and Data Correction for the X-ray Diffraction Study of Lithium Sulfate Solution Structure

  30. 带有功率因数校正的电荷控制型Flyback变换器的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Flyback PFC with Charge Control