
  • 网络the essence of law;the nature of law
  1. 就是说,法的本质不是现实态,而是理想态。

    That is to say that the nature of law is not in the state of reality but in the state of idealism .

  2. 在法理学界,有很多问题至今也没有统一的结论,如法的本质、法律起源、法律规则的来源、法律的实质合法性之所在等等。

    In jurisprudence , many problems still have not uniform answers , such as the nature of law , legal origin , the source of the rule of law , the legitimacy of law , and so on .

  3. 6西格玛法的本质和特点以及应用中需关注的问题

    Essence and Trait of 6 σ & Focused Problem in Application

  4. 法的本质既是应然的,又是实然的。

    The essence of law is both to be and being .

  5. 本文认为,社会公共性是经济法的本质属性;

    Social commonality is the essential attribute of the economic law .

  6. 经济法的本质解说&一个自然法的视角

    The Essence of Economic Law from a View of Natural Law

  7. 试论经济法的本质与企业经营哲学

    Talking about the Nature of Economic Law and Business Management Philosophy

  8. 论经济法的本质:协调经济性

    On the Essence of Economic Law : Economy of Harmonization

  9. 解决了一个困惑,即马克思主义关于法的本质的解读;

    Accounts for a wilder , namely Marxism Jurisprudence on law essence .

  10. 该部分重点讨论了法的本质的起源。

    This part focuses on the origin of the nature of law .

  11. 界定经济法的本质要明确其路径与前提,并有效厘清学术界目前对这一问题的种种误解。

    To define the essence of law requires a clear method and prerequisite .

  12. 马克思主义法的本质观的历史演变

    History evolution of the Marxism 's nature on law

  13. 因为辩证法的本质是逻辑与历史的统一。

    Because the essence of dialectics is the unity of logic and history .

  14. 社会保障法的本质特征。

    The nature of the social security law .

  15. 论法的本质及其精神

    On the Nature and Spirit of Moral Code

  16. 论法的本质内容与本质形式

    On Essential Content and Essential Form of Law

  17. 侵权行为法的本质和地位研究

    Research on the Essence and Status of Act of Tort Causality in the Law of Torts

  18. 科技法的本质特征及运行探析

    A Discussion on the Essential Characteristics and the Operation of the Law of Science and Technology

  19. 主要讨论和阐述了四个问题:①关于分类法的本质;

    This article discusses four problems : 1.the nature of classification ; 2.derive and current of Chinese classification ;

  20. 法的本质作为法的内在规定性,具有深刻性、隐蔽性及多层次性。它是法与其他事物内在的区分尺度。

    The essence of law has the characteristics of profundity , invisibility and multi-layer which differentiate it from other substances .

  21. 本文以经济法的本质属性和价值目标为视角浅析可持续发展的核心思想。

    Based on the nature and value target of Economic , the article analyzed the core thinking of persistent development .

  22. 传统分析法理学主要关涉到两个基本命题:第一是法的本质是什么;

    The traditional analytical jurisprudence mainly involved in two basic questions : First , What is the nature of law ?

  23. 科学地界定宪法的概念,必须揭示出宪法区别于其他部门法的本质属性。

    We must distinguish the constitution from the other laws in their substantial attribution so that we can define constitution scientifically .

  24. 以前我有本书的一章叫体验:人本、形与存在主义治疗法的本质。实践存在论美学、文艺学本体观辨析&以实践与存在论关系为中心

    An Analysis of the Ontology of Practical Existential Aesthetics and Literary Theories & Centering on the Relation Between Practice and Existentialism

  25. 在此基础上,阐述了语境分析法的本质和运用语境分析法应该坚持的六条基本原则。

    Upon them , the essence of the method of contextual analysis and six basic principles of using these methods are discussed .

  26. 行政法的本质是要求行政机关关注公民权利,控制行政权的滥用。

    The essence of administrative law hopes the executive authorities to concern citizens ' rights and control the misuse of administrative power .

  27. 认为:政策性是经济法的本质特征,经济政策对经济法的内容、体系、实施等方面都有决定意义。

    Policy nature is the characteristic of economic law and economic policy decides the content , system and implementation of economic law .

  28. 这种混乱集中表现在经济法的本质是国家干预经济之法还是政府干预经济之法,以及经济法的主体是国家还是政府的问题上。

    The confusion is represented by the essence of economic law is state intervention or government intervention , the subject is state or government .

  29. 第二部分详细论述了马克思实践辩证法的本质涵义并阐释了实践辩证法与唯物辩证法的内在关系。

    Part II has discussed the nature implication of Max practice dialectics and has expounded the inherent relation between practice dialectics and materialist dialectics .

  30. 本文以历史唯物主义指导为指导,集中关注与中国法治建设密切相关的三个方面的问题:法的本质的重新理解;

    This paper , under the guide of historical materialism , focuses on three related problems : the new understanding of essence of law ;