
  • 网络Grozny
  1. 从事货币兑换的人,格罗兹尼官方没有货币兑换机构。

    There are no exchange offices in Grozny but there are many money changers who always offer favorable rate .

  2. 在第一次战争开始之前,叶利钦的国防部长夸口说两小时内就可以拿下格罗兹尼。

    Before the first war started , Yeltsin 's defence minister boasted that Grozny would be taken in two hours .

  3. 格罗兹尼人总是那么热情好客,这是一种传统。

    Guests are always warmly welcomed in Chechen houses , it 's a good tradition .

  4. 这架米格&二十六直升机在降落车臣首府格罗兹尼郊区前不久,坠毁在一个布雷区。

    The Mi-26 helicopter crashed onto a minefield when it was about to land in the suburban area of Grozny , capital of Chechnya .

  5. 俄罗斯新闻中心报道:在星期三,俄罗斯北方高加索车臣共和国首都格罗兹尼中心地区,一辆警车发生爆炸。

    A traffic police car went off in the center of Grozny , the capital of Russia 's North Caucasus republic of Chechnya , on Wednesday , Russian news agencies reported .