
guā guǒ
  • melon and fruit
瓜果 [guā guǒ]
  • [melon and fruit] 瓜与果。亦泛指水果

  • 吃瓜果要洗净

瓜果[guā guǒ]
  1. 甘肃省名优瓜果气候适应性分析

    Analysis of Climatic Adaptiveness to High-Quality Melon and Fruit in Gansu Province

  2. 新疆瓜果辐射贮藏研究

    The study on storage of melon and fruit in Xinjiang by radiation

  3. 这些都是货真价实的瓜果蔬菜——就在那一刻,我意识到,萨拉索塔的冬天最美妙之处在于可以吃到新鲜的瓜果蔬菜,而我一旦回到纽约的家中,连续几个月都无法品尝到这些瓜果蔬菜。

    These were the real deal — and at that moment , I realized that the best part of Sarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New York I wouldn 't be experiencing again for months .

  4. 危害白兰瓜果腐病的镰刀菌经鉴定为砖红镰孢(FusariumlateritiumNees)。

    The superior pathogen of muskmelon fruit rot was identified as Fusarium lateritium Nees .

  5. 测定了的它们富集系数K值,叶菜类蔬菜的K值为0.2~0.5,油菜籽为0.26,粮食作物为0.05~0.11,瓜果类蔬菜为0.01~0.07;

    Enrichment factors ( K ) of them were counted . K values of the leaves of vegetables , rapeseed , cereal crops and fruits of vegetables are 0.2 0.5 , 0.26 , 0.05 0.11 and 0.01 0.07 respectively .

  6. 西瓜(CitrullusLanatusThunb)是我国设施农业结构中重要的经济类瓜果作物。

    Watermelon ( Citrullus Lanatus Thunb ) is an important economic fruits and crops in China ' sfacilities agricultural structure .

  7. 基于OHTA颜色空间的瓜果轮廓提取方法

    OHTA Color Space Based Method for Fruit Contour Detection

  8. 但是,农药的过度使用严重影响瓜果的品质和安全性及生态环境的质量,因此如何增强植株本身的抗病性,特别是提高植物的系统获得抗性(SAR)具有十分重要的理论和实际意义。

    But , excessive bactericide affect seriously quality of the melon fruit and ecological environment . In order to improve the plants resistance , especially , to advance the plants system acquire resistence ( SAR ), it is the important value in academic and practical .

  9. 现在,BenChesler,BenSimon和RonClark打算通过他们巧妙命名的Imperfect公司来改变这个情况。该公司计划向农场主收购那些长得“丑”的蔬菜瓜果,并于今年7月开始通过当地超市进行销售或者直接送递到用户家中。

    Now Ben Chesler , Ben Simon and Ron Clark want to change that with their aptly named startup " Imperfect . " The Oakland-based company plans to purchase the " cosmetically challenged produce " from farmers and sell it either through a supermarket chain they recently signed a deal with or by delivering it directly to consumers .

  10. 新疆四种瓜果冰点的测定

    The Freezing Points Measurement of Four Melons and Fruits in Xinjiang

  11. 新疆的瓜果是全世界最甜的。

    Xinjiang melons and fruits are the sweetest in the world .

  12. 珍稀瓜果专用彩膜的研制

    Research of Colored Special Film for Rare Melon and Fruit

  13. 瓜果类蔬菜有机基质栽培技术研究

    Study on Soilless Culture Technique for Tomato and Watermelon with Organic Substrate

  14. 你曾尝过新鲜莓子、瓜果或泉水的滋味吗?

    Have you ever tasted fresh berries , melon or spring water ?

  15. 游览一下当地的农贸市场并挑选一些新鲜瓜果。

    Visit your local farmers markets and pick out some fresh produce .

  16. 结果表明,上海市郊部分种植瓜果、蔬菜的土壤出现盐渍化趋势。

    Result indicates that soils in greenhouse in Shanghai suburb are partially salted .

  17. 人们一边说笑,一边品尝着这些鲜嫩的瓜果梨桃。

    People were chatting over fresh and tender fruits .

  18. 新疆瓜果保鲜技术的研究

    The Study on Techniques of Keeping Fruit Fresh for the Fruits in Xinjiang

  19. 按本工艺生产的糖水什锦瓜果罐头具有良好的品质。

    The product which produced by the way of this technology with high quality .

  20. 快速可靠的图像采集系统是实现对瓜果进行准确分拣的基础。

    High-speed and reliable imaging system is the foundation to realize correct fruit sorting .

  21. 其香体散发出高雅的白玫瑰,荔枝,蜂蜜和新鲜瓜果的香气。

    Refined noses of white rose , litchi , honey and fresh melon aromas .

  22. 蔬菜中铅含量以莴笋叶最高,萝卜最低,叶菜类高于瓜果类;

    The content of lead of lettuce leaves is topmost and the radish is lowest .

  23. 那些靠吃瓜果和小动物的蝙蝠,同样也有如此具体的分工。

    And the same goes for those that eat fruit and those that eat animals .

  24. 雾气弥散、瓜果飘香的成熟之季!

    Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness !

  25. 这儿有不少瓜果,但他只选了一个苹果。

    There is a variety of fruit , but he chose nothing but an apple .

  26. 热带瓜果甜酒的研究

    Study on Sweet Wine of Tropical Fruits

  27. 白兰瓜果腐病优势病菌鉴定及其产孢条件研究

    Identification of the superior pathogen of muskmelon fruit rot and producing condition of its conidium

  28. 生态肥对瓜果类蔬菜产量品质及土壤环境的影响

    The effect of ecological fertilizer on soil environment and the output and quality of amphisarca

  29. 萤火虫装点着夜空,蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去采蜜,各种瓜果享之不尽。

    Fireflies decorate the skies , bees buzz on flowers , and fresh watermelon is sliced .

  30. 所以,如果到了印第安纳州,吃瓜果的时候最好小心些,别被逮住。

    So when you 're in Indiana , you best be sure to mind your melons .