
  • 网络GRIMSBY;Grimsby, UK
  1. 埃利斯先生获选执法格里姆斯比队与罗瑟汉姆队的一场杯赛。

    Mr Ellis was selected to officiate at a cup game between Grimsby and Rotherham

  2. 该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的失业青年。

    This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby

  3. 第三笔类似模式的收购发生在3年前,当时中国大型国有化工企业中国蓝星(ChinaNationalBlue-star)收购了格里姆斯比的一家工厂,该工厂原本是化工企业Courtaulds旗下的业务。

    A third acquisition which follows a similar pattern took place three years ago when China National Blue-star , a large Chinese , state-owned chemicals business bought a factory in Grimsby that was formerly part of Courtaulds , the chemicals business .

  4. 亨伯河在格里姆斯比流入大海。

    The river Humber meets the sea at Grimsby .

  5. 捕获物已在格里姆斯比卸下来。

    The catch had been landed at grimsby .

  6. 艾伦·卡明将扮演格里姆斯比。

    Grimsby would be played by ALAN CUMMING .

  7. 格里姆斯比是一个热闹的渔镇。

    Grimsby is a bustling fishing town .

  8. 而在英国,在沿海城市的格里姆斯比正在进行反穆斯林活动。

    And in Britain , anti-Muslism backlash is setting in the coastal town of Grimsby .

  9. 我谨此向丹尼尔汗校长表示衷心的祝贺和感谢,他的远见卓识和领导才干,开拓了格里姆斯比在中国的成功!

    I would like to offer my congratulations and appreciations to Professor Daniel khan , his vision and leadership ensured the Grimsby institute 's success in china !

  10. 我还要感谢东北林肯郡政府和人民,感谢濒临英格兰东海岸的首府之城格里姆斯比。

    Can I say a big thank you to the North East Lincolnshire Council and the local people , and thank you too for the capital town of Grimsby .