
  • 网络Geffen;David Geffen
  1. 格芬的成功欲望似乎永无止境。

    Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless .

  2. 格芬勉强读完了高中,在德克萨斯大学(UniversityofTexas)尝试念了一个学期,就投奔了好莱坞。

    Mr Geffen scraped through high school and tried a term at the University of Texas before Hollywood beckoned .

  3. 格芬透露称,他拥有近10亿美元的苹果(Apple)股票,很看好这家公司。

    Geffen reveals he has almost a billion dollars in apple ( AAPL ) stock and is a believer in the company .

  4. 最新一期《财富》(Fortune)杂志刊登了关于大卫•格芬的详实报道,从多个角度描绘了这一时代好莱坞最具影响力的人。

    In its new issue , fortune talks at length to David Geffen , the most powerful man in Hollywood for a generation .

  5. 《大卫•格芬实话实说》(DavidGeffenUnplugged)这篇报道还原了这位美国娱乐界大亨的真实面貌。

    " David Geffen unplugged " is a revealing portrait of an American entertainment icon .

  6. 在大卫•兰森(DavidRensin)2003年出版的有关这家公司的书《邮件室》(TheMailroom)中,格芬回忆自己学着如何去“读懂办公室……我在心中对每件事都做了笔记”。

    InDavid Rensin 's 2003 book about the agency , The Mailroom , Mr Geffenrecalls learning how to " read the room ... I took mental notes oneverything " 。

  7. 从1995年开始,加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院(DavidGeffenSchoolofMedicine)着手实行了一系列全校范围的改革。

    Starting in 1995 , educators at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California , Los Angeles , began instituting a series of schoolwide reforms .

  8. 卡森伯格现任梦工场动画公司CEO,2004年,他与媒体巨头史蒂夫o斯皮尔伯格、大卫o格芬在加州格兰代尔合作创建了这家公司。

    Katzenberg is now CEO of DreamWorks Animation , the Glendale , Calif. - animation studio he co-founded with media moguls Steven Spielberg and David Geffen in 2004 .

  9. ThamesRiverCapital多重经理人联席主管加里•波特(GaryPotter)认为,它是一只直截了当的基金,他还补充称,基金经理罗宾•格芬了解俄罗斯市场。

    Gary Potter , co-head of Thames River Capital 's multi-manager calls it is a " straightforward fund " and adds that fund manager Robin Geffen understands the Russian market .

  10. 当时是1964年,有学位是其被雇佣的条件之一,于是,格芬就跟他的老板说,他曾在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,简称UCLA)就读。

    It was 1964 and a degree was one of the conditions of employment so Mr Geffen told his bosses he had studied at the University of California , Los Angeles .

  11. 70年代,格芬与唱作人雪儿(cher)保持了很长一段关系。

    In the 1970s Mr Geffen had a long relationship with the singer-songwriter Cher .

  12. 在英国投资管理协会(InvestmentManagementAssociation)监控的1844个单位信托和开放投资公司中,2006年表现最佳两只基金是Neptune俄罗斯及大俄罗斯基金和Neptune中国基金,而格芬是管理这两只基金的经理。

    Of the 1,844 unit trusts and open-ended investment companies monitored by the UK 's Investment Management Association , the best two performing funds in 2006 were Neptune Russia and Greater Russia and Neptune China , both managed by Mr Geffen .

  13. 但格芬还成为了一名慷慨的慈善家,向加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA)医学院捐赠了2亿美元,此外还为艾滋病相关研究捐赠了数百万美元。

    Yet he has also become a generous philanthropist , donating $ 200m to the UCLA School of Medicine and millions more to Aids-related causes .

  14. 格芬问CDNOW是否可以设计一个计划,使CDNOW将处理订单。

    Geffen asked CDNOW if it could design a program where CDNOW would handle the order fulfillment .

  15. 格芬也喜欢说格言,他35年的老友兼合伙人杰弗里•卡岑贝格(JeffreyKatzenberg)如是说。他们二人连同斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)一起创建了梦工厂。

    Mr Geffen is also fond of the maxim , says Jeffrey Katzenberg , a friend for35 years and his partner , along with Steven Spielberg , in the creation of DreamWorks SKG .

  16. 外界认为,格芬多少可以算是投资大师。

    He is considered something of a guru on investing .

  17. 然而,作为一名商人,很少有谁能与格芬相媲美。

    And yet , as a businessman , few rival Mr Geffen .

  18. GeffenRecords唱片公司将格芬推入了超级富豪行列。

    Geffen Records propelled him into the realms of the super rich .

  19. 但格芬表示,投资者也应该记住,中国人的民族感有多强烈。

    However Geffen says investors should also remember how strongchinese national identity is .

  20. 从政见上讲,格芬是一名坚定的自由主义者,但他的朋友中包括鲁珀特默多克。

    Politically , he is a firm liberal but his friends include Rupert Murdoch .

  21. 格芬对此表示赞同,并预测未来3年中国不会出现结构性通胀问题。

    Geffen agrees , predicting structural inflation will not pose a problem for another three years .

  22. 格芬出生于纽约的布鲁克林,父母分别来自波兰和俄罗斯。

    He was born in Brooklyn , the son of a Polish father and Russian mother .

  23. 格芬对中国仍然看好,其基金的回报率表明这种看法是正确的。

    Mr Geffen remains bullish on the country and the returns of his fund suggest this is appropriate .

  24. 到25岁左右时,通过出售拥有一半所有权的音乐出版公司,格芬已成为了一名百万富翁。

    By his mid-20s Mr Geffen was a millionaire thanks to the sale of a music publishing company he half-owned .

  25. 的想法最初出现的远程采购,因为交谈格芬唱片公司记录在1994年秋季。

    The idea for remote purchasing originally arose because of conversations with music label Geffen Records in the fall of1994 .

  26. 但雷石东仍一如既往地信任他,结果斯皮尔伯格与格芬于2008年离开了派拉蒙,并随之带走了梦工厂的商标品牌。

    But Redstone stuck by him , and Spielberg and Geffen eventually left Paramount in 2008 , taking the DreamWorks brand with them .

  27. 邮件室的工作非常艰苦,格芬后来回忆道,他还要添加液体肥皂,更换厕所手纸。

    Work in the mailroom was tough and Mr Geffen later recalled having to fill the soap dispensers and change the toilet paper .

  28. 格芬表示,到11月份,中国内地投资者将获准购买香港交易所的股票,这可能会刺激需求。

    Come November , mainland investors will be allowed to buy shares on the Hong Kong exchange , which should boost demand , according to Mr Geffen .

  29. 据格芬称,国内需求激增和资金流入推高了通胀率,而俄罗斯的货币体系不具备应对这些问题的能力。

    According to Mr Geffen , inflation is being driven by surging domestic demand and capital inflows which Russia 's monetary framework is poorly equipped to deal with .

  30. 约翰的工作还涉及其他地区的剧院,包括在老球剧院、格芬剧院以及小巷剧院等的演出。

    John has worked extensively in the regional theatre , including productions at The Old Globe Theatre , The Geffen Playhouse , and The Alley Theatre , among many others .