
  • 网络European Political Cooperation
  1. 欧洲政治合作的特点及评价

    European Political Cooperation : Characteristics & Evaluation NEW VIEWS ON APPRAISAL

  2. 欧洲政治合作部长级特别会议

    Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of European Political Cooperation

  3. 从早期的欧洲政治合作(EPC),到近期的欧洲共同安全与防务政策(CESDP),欧盟共同外交与安全政策(CFSP)已经走过了几十年的历程。

    From European Political Co-operation ( EPC ) to Common European Security and Defense Policy ( CESDP ), the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP ) of the EU has gone a long way and made a great progress .

  4. 欧洲政治合作的成就和作用值得肯定,但其局限性不应为人们所忽视。

    We may affirm the achievements and function of European political cooperation , while never neglect its limitations .

  5. 从欧共体外交政策行动到欧洲政治合作,再到欧盟共同外交与安全政策正式确立,欧盟共同外交与安全政策的发展和法理基础呈现出现鲜明的渐进性特征。

    From EC Foreign Policy Activity to European Political Cooperation and then to the CFSP was established , the development and the legal basis of the CFSP characterized step by step .