
  • 网络observer state;Observing country;non-member observer state
  1. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为非会员观察员国,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine recognized as a nonmember observer state by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  2. 巴勒斯坦被联合国承认为“非会员观察员国”,1998成为FIFA成员。该国目前在拉姆安拉附近建有一座国家体育馆,而且已经四次尝试入围世界杯决赛圈。

    Palestine - recognized as a " nonmember observer state " by the United Nations and a member of FIFA since 1998 - now has a national stadium near Ramallah and has attempted to qualify for four World Cup finals .

  3. 她是不是也骗了印度?印度是上海合作组织的观察员国。

    Does she deceive India ? India is an observer state to the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation .

  4. 27、我们欢迎巴勒斯坦成为联合国观察员国。

    27 . We welcome the admission of Palestine as an Observer State to the United Nations .

  5. 本周,经联合国大会投票通过,决定给予巴勒斯坦权力机构为联大观察员国地位。

    This week , the United Nations General Assembly voted to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a non-member observer state .

  6. 我们也欢迎白俄罗斯成为本组织观察员国,阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、柬埔寨、尼泊尔成为对话伙伴国。

    We also welcome Belarus as an observer state and Azerbaijan , Armenia , Cambodia and Nepal as dialogue partners to the SCO .

  7. 实业理事会和银行联合会已与上海合作组织观察员国相关实业组织和银行机构建立了联系。

    Industry Council and Bank Association has set up connection with related industry organizations and bank organs of observer states of Shanghai Cooperation Organization .

  8. 同样,本地区经济发展的前景与吸引本组织观察员国、对话伙伴国及关注本组织的国家参与多边投资合作密切相连。

    At the same time the regional economic development future will attract the observation countries , and other states to participate the multilateral investment cooperation .

  9. 11月下旬,在绝大多数成员国的支持下,联大通过决议,将巴勒斯坦在联合国的地位提升为观察员国。

    In late November a great majority of countries approved a UN General Assembly resolution to elevate Palestine to a non-member observer state at the UN .

  10. 许多国家都赞成所谓的“梵蒂冈选项”,即巴勒斯坦将成为“观察员国”:没有一个完整席位,但至少不再只是一个“实体”。

    Many favour the so-called " Vatican option " wherebyPalestinewould become an " observer state ": not a full member , but at least no longer a mere " entity " .

  11. 我们要深入研究如何加强同观察员国、对话伙伴合作问题,继续健全相应对话和合作机制,使上海合作组织发展成果更多惠及观察员国和对话伙伴,实现优势互补,成果共享。

    We need to study ways to strengthen cooperation with observer states and dialogue partners and improve relevant dialogue and cooperation mechanisms , so that observer states and dialogue partners will benefit more from the SCO through drawing on each other 's strengths and sharing the fruits of development .

  12. 联合国支持的叙利亚和平计划昨日陷入混乱。此前,叛军表示,他们将不再遵守停火协议。叙利亚当地一些抗议者也要求联合国观察员离开该国。

    The UN-backed peace plan for Syria was in disarray yesterday after armed rebels said they would no longer abide by a ceasefire and a local network of protesters demanded the departure of UN observers .