
  1. 另一个说明性的例子摘自《观察家报》。

    A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper

  2. 《观察家报》上有一篇关于斯派克·米利根的长篇文章。

    There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper .

  3. 《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。

    The Observer found the play ' a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes '

  4. 《观察家报》一项民意调查显示,工党支持率为39%,保守党落后其1个百分点。

    A poll for the Observer showed Labour on 39 per cent with the Tories lagging a point behind

  5. 贾德•库斯纳,《纽约观察家报》(NewYorkObserver)的所有人,地产大亨之子

    Jared Kushner , New York Observer owner , real estate empire scion

  6. 安德鲁马尔(andrewmarr)在11年前的《观察家报》(theobserver)上提到过他;马尔表示,这位创始人多年前就向他讲述过这个想法。

    He was quoted by Andrew Marr in the observer 11 years ago ; Mr Marr said the founder had put the notion to him years earlier .

  7. Pauletta为最近的“观察家报”采访我。昨天拉我去吃午餐,问我关于帮她事业转型的意见。

    Pauletta Cho : All mine . Bart : Pauletta interviewed me for that recent piece in " the observer , " roped me into a lunch yesterday to pitch me on the idea of helping her with a career change .

  8. 但我还是找到了很多份《玫瑰镇观察家报》

    but I got you lots of copies of the Observer .

  9. 英国首相布朗在英国报纸《观察家报》上撰文,呼吁重新恢复老式的、保守的银行管理方式。

    British PM Calls for Return of Traditional , Conservative Banking

  10. 迈克尔•罗宾森(英国),《英国卫报》和《观察家报》信息制图总监。

    Michael Robinson ( UK ), head of graphics , The Guardian and The Observer .

  11. 她还经常给《观察家报》和《每日电讯报》供稿。

    She continues to pen reviews as a frequent contributor to The Observer and The Daily Telegraph .

  12. 1791年的今天,第一期观察家报面世,成为世界上首份周日出版的报纸。

    1791-The first issue of The Observer , the world 's first Sunday newspaper , is published .

  13. 图灵订阅了言论开放的《曼彻斯特卫报》和《观察家报》,

    It had the liberal Manchester Guardian which , along with The Observer , was Alan 's newspaper .

  14. 布朗在英国报纸《观察家报》上撰文,指出英国需要一个更加负责任的银行系统。

    Writing in the Observer newspaper , Prime Minister Brown says Britain needs a more responsible banking system .

  15. 它将在位于伦敦北部弗灵顿的《卫报》和《观察家报》阅览室展览中被展出。

    It will go on display at the Guardian and Observer newspapers'Newsroom exhibition centre in Farringdon , North London .

  16. 尽管主编艾伦?罗斯布里奇希望可以将印刷版多运营几年,但英国《卫报》和《观察家报》的发行商还是将削减印刷版业务。

    The publisher of the Guardian and Observer newspapers is close to axing the print editions of its newspapers , despite the hopes of its editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger to keep them running for several years .

  17. 报告的合著者安娜库特告诉《观察家报》说:有些人承担太多带薪工作,有些人却没有工作或少得可怜,两者之间存在着严重失衡。

    Anna Coote , co-author the report , told the Observer : There 's a great disequilibrium between people who have got too much paid work , and those who have got too little or none .

  18. 报告的合著者安娜•库特告诉《观察家报》说:“有些人承担太多带薪工作,有些人却没有工作或少得可怜,两者之间存在着严重失衡。”

    Anna Coote , co-author the report , told the Observer : " There 's a great disequilibrium between people who have got too much paid work , and those who have got too little or none . "

  19. 《观察家》报的调查表示,很多民众认为与布莱尔任首相之前相比,今天的英国更加危险、民众变得不快乐、舒适度也不如从前。

    According to the Observer newspaper , many people now believe the country is more dangerous , less happy and less pleasant than it was in the pre-Blair era .