
jiàn duì jiē
  • Fleet Street
  1. 你说你的店在舰队街?

    Your establishment is in fleet street , you say ?

  2. 只有对于20世纪80年代舰队街(FleetStreet)日子当时记者们每天都在午餐时间溜到酒吧的记忆,会令我这种怀旧之情稍减。

    This nostalgia is only slightly dented by my memory of what life was actually like in the 1980s on Fleet Street when journalists sloped off to the pub every lunch time .

  3. 他用化名在汉普郡的舰队街租了间房子。

    Using an alias , he had rented a house in Fleet , Hampshire .

  4. 分布在舰队街及其附近地区的新闻界。

    The national press that inhabits Fleet Street and its environs .

  5. 我跟了舰队街那帮家伙两年了。

    I 've been after that fleet street gang for two years .

  6. 他为“舰队街的拿破仑”这一称号得意洋洋。

    He exulted in the title of the Napoleon of fleet street .

  7. 若干流言正在舰队街传开。

    A number of rumours were circulating in fleet street .

  8. 他竟厚颜无耻地说舰队街报界在对我进行贿赂。

    He had the nerve to say fleet street was corrupting me .

  9. 她从舰队街步行半英里回到了自己的办公室。

    She walked the half mile from fleet street back to her office .

  10. 你能不能告诉我舰队街贝蒂商店的电话号码?

    Can you tell me the number of betty 's in fleet street ?

  11. 这时候,她千方百计地争取舰队街那些盲目爱国的编辑们。

    She now assiduously set about wooing the chauvinist editors of Fleet Street .

  12. 舰队街又有人斗殴么?

    Ls there some fray in fleet street ?

  13. 否则,舰队街目前遭受的蔑视就是罪有应得。

    If not , Fleet Street will deserve the contempt in which it is held .

  14. 舰队街有谣传说那家公司将被接管了。

    There are rumours in fleet street that the company is about to be taken over .

  15. 280.她在舰队街上遇见我,并对我致以甜甜的一笑。

    280 . She met me in the Fleet Street and greeted me with a sweet smile .

  16. 沉默,是由澳大利亚记者爱德华亲爱的,谁是在舰队街的工作。

    The silence was proposed by Australian journalist Edward Honey , who was working in Fleet Street .

  17. 其中有一个他消磨了多闲暇时光的小酒馆是位于舰队街145号那古老的柴郡干酪店。

    One of the taverns where he spent much leisure time is Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese at 145 Fleet Street .

  18. 在近代上海,有这么一条街,它曾与英国伦敦的舰队街相提并论,那就是东方的舰队街、中国的报馆街&望平街。

    In the modern age of Shanghai , there is a street , once could be compared with The Fleet Street in London .

  19. 然而,在舰队街的新闻学院里,我第一次对全新的新闻世界有了感觉。

    Yet at that college on Fleet Street , I got my first taste of what this whole new world of journalism could be .

  20. 最有名的街头,伦敦的舰队街,东街,皮卡迪利,白厅,波迈,唐宁街,和伦巴第街。

    The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street , the Strand , Piccadilly , Whitehall , Pall Mall , Downing Street , and Lombard Street .

  21. 相较《世界新闻报》的重罪,哈里供认的只是一桩小罪,但《独立报》处理该事件的方式却是典型的舰队街风格。

    Mr Hari committed a misdemeanour compared with the felonies at the News of the World but the handling of the incident was typical of Fleet Street .

  22. 他挽起他的胳膊带他通过路盖希尔,来到舰队街,穿过了一段有街棚的路面进入了一家小酒店。

    Drawing his arm through his own , he took him down ludgate-hill to fleet-street , and so , up a covered way , into a tavern .

  23. 他首先是在他那个年代舰队街周围的咖啡馆和小酒店里那些热烈的讨论。

    He was thinking , first and foremost , of the lively discussions which took place in his day in the coffee shops and inns around Fleet Street .

  24. 如果有人告诉你某人在舰队街工作,你便可知道他很可能是个记者,或者多少与新闻业有关。

    If you are told that someone works in Fleet Street , you know that he is probably a journalist , or in some way or other connected with journalism .

  25. 《临时空缺》成为了国际新闻,7月的封面再次把它作为头条新闻发布,舰队街(英国媒体)委托某“设计权威”去解构其高深莫测的艺术性,挖掘小说哪些地方有可能撒谎的线索。

    The release of the cover image in July commands headlines again , and Fleet Street commissions a " design guru " to deconstruct its inscrutable aesthetic , in search of clues as to what might lie within .

  26. 他的狡黠已随着白日而更新,他的恐惧已随着黑夜而消逝。就这个特点而言,在那个晴朗的早晨,舰队街和伦敦城跟他情况相同的人也并非没有。

    His cunning was fresh with the day , and his qualms were gone with the night & in which particulars it is not improbable that he had compeers in Fleet Street and the city of london , that fine morning .