
  • Observation Deck;viewing deck;Observation tower
  1. 某大型观景台预应力大梁测试与分析

    Test and Analysis Of Prestressed Girder in an Observation Tower

  2. 对某观景台预应力大梁的预应力施工阶段进行了测试,并将测试结果与有限元分析得到的理论计算结果相对照。

    Through test and analysis of the prestressed girder in an observation tower , the calculation values were compared with the measured ones .

  3. 从观景台向山谷望去,景色之壮观令人叹为观止。

    A viewing platform gave stunning views over the valley .

  4. TILT观景台只是蒙巴纳斯56集团创新和超前的想法之一。

    ' TILT is yet another example of the innovative and forward-thinking vision of Montparnasse 56 Group . '

  5. 尼亚加拉大瀑布旅馆(NiagaraFallsHotel)的摩天塔观景台(SkylonTowerObservationDeck),可谓游客的第一陷阱。

    The No. 1 tourist trap has to be the Skylon Tower Observation Deck in the Niagara Falls Hotel .

  6. 在纽约城的一号楼观景台,我和尤里·米尔纳启动了“突破摄星”计划(BreakthroughStarshot)马克·扎克伯格也加入了该计划的董事会,为“突破摄星”助一臂之力。

    At the One World Observatory in New York City , Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars . Mark Zuckerberg lenthis support by joining the board of our new initiative , Breakthrough Starshot .

  7. 观景台取名TILT,设在摩天大楼“360芝加哥”内的约翰汉考克大楼第94层。正如它的名字,这个封闭的玻璃钢筋观景台可以令游客的身体前倾,从独特的视角向游客展示了芝加哥最著名的街区“华丽的一英里”。

    TILT is housed in 360 CHICAGO on the 94th floor of the John Hancock Tower and , as the name suggests , the enclosed glass and steel platform tilts visitors forward for a unique perspective of the city 's The Magnificent Mile .

  8. 从设在迪拜塔顶部名为“AttheTop”(巅峰之上)的观景台望去,你可以隐约看到地处波斯湾另一端的伊朗。

    Burj Dubai , the World 's Tallest Skyscraper , Provides a View ' At the Top ' From ' At the Top , ' the name given to the observatory on the Burj Dubai , you can see the faint outline of the Middle East 's pariah-state Iran on the other side of the Persian Gulf .

  9. 位于奥地利Krippenstein的创意观景台,造型就像五根手指,故名“五指台”。

    Creative viewing platform in Krippenstein , Austria was cleverly named " 5 Fingers " by virtue of its hand-like shape .

  10. 带疗养室、更衣室和休憩观景台的温泉疗养浴场;

    a spa with healing huts , bathhouses and nap gazebos ;

  11. 位于巴西伊瓜苏瀑布之上的螺旋式观景台。(近距离感触震耳欲聋,帅呆了!)

    Spiral viewing platform located over Iguazu waterfall in Brazil .

  12. 目前哈利法塔观景台关闭的确切原因尚不清楚。

    The precise cause of the Dubai skyscraper 's closure remained murky .

  13. 观景台〔机场核心计划展览中心〕

    Viewing platform [ Airport Core Programme Exhibition Centre ]

  14. 他们提供了一个观景台来观看的山景。

    They provided a viewing platform to watch the view of the mountain .

  15. 观景台克莱尔要去的是那里

    It 's the observation deck . That 's where Claire 's going .

  16. 观景台还有一个小邮局。

    It also includes a small post office .

  17. 去峭石之巅观景台的

    to the Top of the Rock observation deck

  18. 《观景台》拦河的水堤,成了游客的观景台。

    The viewing deck The dam hindering river becomes the viewing deck for tourists .

  19. 在法兰克福美茵大厦观景台上眺望整个城市。

    City from Frankfurt Main Tower observation deck .

  20. 游客到太空针,可以访问观景台。

    Visitors went to the Space Needle in order to visit the observation deck .

  21. 您得搭乘电梯才能到最高的观景台。

    To get to the highest deck , you need to take an elevator .

  22. 福特公司的乔治·萨莫斯基接受《今日美国》的采访时表示,到达观景台的唯一方法就是乘坐电梯。

    Ford 's George Samosky told USA Today the only way up is the elevator .

  23. 中央电视台发射塔的观景台。

    Observation deck at the CCTV tower .

  24. 哈利法塔观景台于上周日被关闭后,一直未得到伊玛尔房地产公司关于该塔何时将重新开放的通知。

    Emaar did not say when the observation deck would reopen following last Sunday 's closure .

  25. 此巨型滑梯的票价是22美元,其中包含了进入轨道的观景台的费用。

    Tickets for the attraction cost $ 22 and include access to the Orbit 's viewing platform .

  26. 《观景台》站在观景台上,眼前是一片苍茫。

    The viewing place Standing on the viewing place , it is all indistinct in front of me .

  27. 目前还不清楚哈利法塔的其它楼层是否受到观景台关闭的影响。

    It was unclear if the rest of the building was affected by the observation deck 's shutdown .

  28. 在宾利的观景台上,我不小心听到这样一段对话:“大清早的这么凉,你是怎么保暖的?”

    Overheard on Bentley 's viewing deck : " How do you stay so warm in this morning air ?"

  29. 位于宝华乡的“鲁巴亏底”观景台,是观赏撒玛坝梯田的最佳位置。

    This is the view platform located in Baohua . It 's the best place to watch Samaba terraces .

  30. 这座塔有630英尺高,这整个结构的顶端是一个观景台。

    The tower is 630 feet tall . At the top of the structure there is an observation deck .