
  1. 不过,并非所有用作担保品的土地(如观音峡林场)都具有商业可行性。

    Yet , as the guanyinxia forest indicates , not all of the land used as collateral is commercially viable .

  2. 我们的目的主要是保存,而不是赚钱。观音峡林场党支部书记刘思阳表示。

    Our purpose is mainly preservation , not to make money , says Liu Siyang , party secretary of the government bureau that manages the forest .

  3. 旅游景点:土地峡、观音峡、西沟峡、石窟西姑庵遗址及“天门锁云”、“龙洞”、“风洞”等自然景

    Tourist attractions : the land Gap , Gap Guanyin , Xigou gorge , caves Um West Regardless of the site and the " day lock-yun "," Cave "," wind tunnel " and other natural