
  • 网络taojiang;Taojiang County
  1. 桃江县水土保持生态环境建设效益及有关问题探讨

    Discussion on the Benefit and Problem of the Eco environmental Construction in Taojiang County

  2. 本文基于桃江县旅游业发展总体规划课题,旅游环境规划子课题。目的之一是通过旅游区环境质量评价,尤其是旅游区地质环境质量评价,为桃花江美容旅游度假村选址提供科学依据。

    Based on the sub-program of environmental planning of the tourism development in Taojiang County , the paper aims to provide evidences for vacation village through environmental assessment , especially geological environmental assessment .

  3. 一是通过收集桃江县法律援助中心最近三年的年度资料和对法律援助工作者、法律援助主管机关的工作人员进行访谈,对法律援助进行对比研究,得出法律援助在桃江的现状的结论。

    Three years ' annual materials of the local Legal Aid center have been collected , the social workers and executive members of the center have been interviewed and thus the current situation of the Legal Aid in the county has been concluded .