
  • 网络Xinshao County
  1. 新邵县岩溶地区石漠化生物治理措施探讨

    Discussion on Biological Control Methods over Karst Rocky Desertification Region in Xinshao County

  2. 湖南省新邵县大新金矿开发利用的经济评价研究

    Economical Assessment and Study on the Development and Exploitation of Daxin Gold Mine , in Xinshao County , Hunan Province , P.R. China

  3. 农村中小学语文课程改革实验的观照与反思&新邵县语文课程改革研究

    On the Observation and Introspection of the Chinese Course Reform for Primary and Middle Schools in the Countrysides

  4. 新邵县土地总面积176078.2hm2,其中石漠化土地36679.9hm2,占20.8%。

    Total area of Xinshao county is 176,078.2 hm ~ 2 , including desertification land 36,679.9 hm ~ 2 , accounting for 20.8 % of the total .

  5. 湖南省新邵县龙山地区的震旦纪含砾砂质板岩中广泛发育着扭折条带构造,条带常呈单组出现,两翼比较平直。

    In the Sinian pebble hearing psammitic slate of Longshan district , Hunan , the kink band structures occurring usually in single bands with more or less straight limbs are widely distributed .