
  • 网络Desktop virtualization;Hyper-V & Virtual PC
  1. 桌面虚拟化解决方案在单一位置集中地管理PC,这会降低PC管理成本。

    A desktop virtualization solution lowers PC management costs by allowing centralized management in a single location .

  2. 在桌面虚拟化中,用户的整个PC环境在中心服务器上运行,图形化显示输出发送到客户机设备。

    In desktop virtualization , a user 's entire PC executes on a central server , with the graphical display output to a client device .

  3. VDI和终端服务器等传统桌面虚拟化技术不允许离线使用。

    Traditional desktop virtualization techniques , such as VDI and terminal servers , do not allow offline use .

  4. 虚拟机保存/恢复是非在线迁移的一种方式,也是桌面虚拟化应用中频繁使用的操作。

    Operations save and restore is also a way to migrate VMs .

  5. 桌面虚拟化解决方案可以解决这些难题。

    A desktop virtualization solution can meet these challenges .

  6. 桌面虚拟化带来的好处,大部分也是和应用虚拟化相同的

    Benefits of desktop virtualization include most of those with application virtualization as well as

  7. 桌面虚拟化常常使用廉价的客户机设备提供最终用户显示和交互。

    Desktop virtualization often uses an inexpensive client device for the end-user display and interaction .

  8. 围绕着桌面虚拟化的用户体验,学术界和工业界都做了相当多的研究工作。

    Around the desktop virtualization of user experience , academia and industry have done quite a lot of research work .

  9. 本文最后还通过虚拟化技术在某加油站系统中的应用说明了服务器虚拟化平台和桌面虚拟化平台的重要切实作用。

    Finally , the application of virtualization technology in a gas station system is analyzed as an example to show the important practical role of server virtualization platform and desktop virtualization platform .

  10. 推动桌面虚拟化应用的其它因素还有支持弹性工作制员工和合同制员工,特别是对于较大企业和金融公司更是如此,这对中小企业和大企业是同样的问题。

    Other factors that come into play are supporting flexible and contract workers , particular for larger companies and finance houses and security , which was an issue for SMEs and enterprises alike .

  11. 桌面虚拟化技术可为计算机桌面的大规模快速分发和管理、按需满足不同用户的应用请求提供强大的支持,而其后台核心则是基于虚拟机的大规模虚拟集群。

    Desktop virtualization technology offers powerful opportunities to deliver and manage corporate desktops and satisfy the needs of various users , the core of whose background is based on large-scale virtual machine clusters .

  12. 桌面虚拟化与传统桌面环境相比,具有集中化管理和部署、降低成本、管理方便、高可用和移动办公等优点。

    Compared with the traditional desktop environment , the virtual desktop has many advantages , centralized management and deployment , reduce costs , and management of the advantages of convenient , highly available and mobile office .

  13. 做云计算之前可先做好虚拟化,A证券也在做服务器、桌面的虚拟化。

    Cloud computing can be done before the virtualization , A securities is also doing a server , desktop virtualization .

  14. 如果尝试一下从婴儿学步开始,应用“混合”的方式来实现桌面系统的虚拟化会怎样呢?

    What if we took a baby-step towards desktop virtualization and used a hybrid approach ?

  15. 您如何看待桌面管理中的虚拟化管理?金道有计划推出相关的产品或服务吗?

    What do you think about the Virtualization in Desktop Management ? Which products and services would Gamutsoft plan to provide about it ?