
  • 网络Table Mountain;Mountain Table;Mt. Table
  1. 乌云沉沉带来的美感像是对桌山敬意。

    Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to pay homage to Table Mountain at all times .

  2. 这种在之前从未被人类所知的生物是在南非开普敦的桌山国家公园的灌木丛中所发现的。

    The previously-unknown insect was found leaping around in undergrowth inside the Table Mountain National Park near Cape Town .

  3. 几天前,我徒步攀上了桌山的顶峰。

    A few days ago , I hiked to the very top of table mountain .

  4. 除了桌山和众多天然的海岸外,开普敦也是一个天然牧业城市。

    Apart from Table Mountain and the swathe of pristine beaches , Cape Town is a city that 's made for browsing .

  5. 开普敦的闪电,两道闪电在南非开普敦桌山上空汇聚到一起,这是自然界中电能惊人的展现。

    Two separate lightning bolts converge over Table Mountain in Cape Town , South Africa , with an amazing display of natural electricity .

  6. 南非的桌山&这里仿佛是神灵们自己动手将这座山锤打成为一个容他们喝酒就餐的地方。

    Table Mountain , South Africa – It 's as if the gods themselves hammered this mountain into a place where they could wine and dine .

  7. 环绕整个开普敦的桌山国家公园是南非现在唯一允许留有狗狗足迹的地方。

    Table Mountain National Park , which looms over colourful Cape Town , is one of the only preserves in southern Africa that allows dogs on its trails .

  8. 开普敦的地势极佳,周围有群山环绕。开普敦的标志“桌山”更是俯瞰着城市。

    Cape Town was built in a perfect strategic position , protected by the surrounding peaks and watchful presence of Table Mountain , the symbol of the city .

  9. 一直都很感激我的音响,他总是不喧闹而素雅的演唱,也这样立在桌山。

    All along , I appreciate it , for it is always giving me an elegant sound without any noise , and it stands on my desk in the same way .

  10. 在其众多神话般的餐馆佳肴,参与的桌山的影子,然后夜生活午餐乘坐缆车到山顶的第二天。

    Dine at one of its many fabulous restaurants and take in the nightlife in the shadow of Table Mountain , then take a cable car to the top of the mountain for lunch the next day .

  11. 火山岩主要以熔岩台地、桌状山的形式产出,熔岩厚约40&100m。

    In this area volcanic rocks occur mainly in the forms of lava plateau and table mountains , about 40 100m in thickness .

  12. 我当时正在一个儿童营地工作,我按下这个快门时,阳光正洒在桌状山上,而我们正朝着那里去晚餐。

    I was working at a kids camp and took a quick shot of the sun setting over Table Mountain as we were headed in for dinner .