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  • Tongcheng;Tong cheng
桐城 [tóng chéng]
  • [Tong cheng] 安徽省东南部的县。人口70万。处大别山边缘,地势平坦,产竹、木、桐油

  1. 目前桐城还没有第二家,全省都少有。

    Tong Cheng is also currently do not have a second home , are rare in the province .

  2. 桐城谚语折射出多姿多彩的桐城文化,总体上反映了儒家文化和农耕文化在桐城当地的根深蒂固。

    Tong Cheng proverb reflects the colorful Tongcheng culture , generally the deeply-rooted Confucian culture and local farming culture in Tongcheng .

  3. 方法采用SCL-90症状自评表对桐城市3个乡镇随机抽出3所初中和35所小学的教师进行调查。

    Methods The teachers of 3 middle schools and 35 primary schools in Tongcheng were sampled to complete SCL 90 self tests .

  4. 安徽桐城围产儿死因的病理分折

    Pathological Analysis of Causes of Perinatal Death in Anhui Tongcheng County

  5. 桐城市土壤肥力监测与施肥技术应用

    Test of Soil Fertility in Tongcheng City and Technique of Fertilization

  6. 20世纪桐城派研究述评

    A Review of Studies on Tongcheng School in the 20th Century

  7. 《桐城派与中国文章理论》序言

    The Preface to The Tongcheng School and Theory on Chinese Articles

  8. 桐城市农村饮水现状及对策探讨

    Drinking Water Status in Countryside of Tongcheng and Strategy Study

  9. 姚莹与桐城经世派的兴起

    Yao Ying and the Rise of the Tongcheng Statecraft School

  10. 其所作所为,达到了“中兴桐城”夙愿。

    His efforts attained the goal of developing the Tong Cheng group .

  11. 桐城文论是肌理说的理论直接来源。

    The prose theory of the Tongcheng School was the direct theory source .

  12. 方法对桐城市农村饮水监测点调查监测资料及全市生活饮用水卫生监督、监测报表综合分析。

    Methods Monitoring report of drinking water was analyzed .

  13. 书院与桐城文派传衍考论

    A Textual Research on Academies of Classical Learning and the Dissemination of Tongcheng School

  14. 桐城市1998-2007年居民恶性肿瘤死亡分析

    Analysis on death cause of malignant tumors from 1998 to 2007 in Tongcheng City

  15. 桐城派是清朝规模最大、存在时间最长的散文流派,其影响力可以同宋代的江西诗派媲美。

    Tongcheng school , which is the largest and oldest essay genre in Qing Dynasty .

  16. 我来自安徽桐城。

    I am from Tongcheng , Anhui !

  17. 安徽省桐城市一季水稻抽穗开花期叶片温度分析

    Analysis on Leaf Temperature of Single-season Rice on Ear Sprouting to Flowering Period in Tongcheng

  18. 本文研究的是桐城市制刷产业集群的发展与升级。

    This paper concerns developing and upgrading of brush industrial cluster of Tongcheng in Anhui province .

  19. 学界对桐城派的研究成果颇丰,但也有欠缺。

    Scholars had much study of the Tongcheng school , but there also have some scarcities .

  20. 安徽省桐城市人民医院

    Anhui Tongcheng City People Hospital

  21. 华北地块和大别山块体分界线应是商城&桐城断裂;

    The boundary line between North - China plate and Dabie landmass is the Shangcheng Tongcheng fracture .

  22. 作为被批判的对象,桐城派长期得不到正确的认识和理解。

    As the target of criticism is not correct , Tongcheng for the understanding and the understanding .

  23. 桐城市农饮工程水质安全问题及对策

    Safety Problem of Water Quality of Potable Water and Countermeasure on Rural Water Project in Tongcheng city

  24. 意境亦是桐城文派一些论者所关注的论题,他们发表了不少值得重视的见解。

    Artistic conception is also the Tongcheng school some theorists attention topic , they published many important insights .

  25. 方苞是汉学的对立面吗?&桐城派与汉宋学之争札记之一

    Is Fang Bao the Opposition to Han Studies & Notes for argumentation between Tongcheng school and Han-Song studies

  26. 百年来,关于桐城派的研究已经取得很大的进展和成绩。

    For one hundred years , research on the genre of Tongcheng article had attained great achievement and progress .

  27. 将桐城文派的产生放入清代思想文化的大背景中;

    Put the creation of the Tong city parties into the big background that the Manchu dynasty thoughts culture ;

  28. 章太炎对桐城派的评价表现出了“真”与“俗”的两面性。

    Zhang Taiyan 's evaluation of Tongcheng Group expressed two sides : " true " and " vulgar " .

  29. 桐城文派能绵延二百余年,有诸多原因,其中较为重要的一条是靠书院讲学来传衍。

    Tongcheng School lasted for more than two hundred years , and there were many factors contributing to its survival .

  30. 桐城派产生在安徽桐城,但其影响并不局限于当时及安徽。

    Tongcheng school in Anhui province , but its influence of Tongcheng was and is not confined in anhui province .