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  • 网络Sanger;frederick sanger;F. Sanger
  1. 桑格所的这项从一名肺癌患者和一名皮肤癌患者身上分别提取肿瘤细胞组织和细胞组织,运用新型高效的DNA测序技术对其基因组了破解。

    The Sanger Institute studies used powerful new DNA sequencing technologies to decode completely the genome of both tumour tissue and normal tissue from a lung cancer and a malignant melanoma patient .

  2. 库尔特•桑格,ING证券本田显然选中了最佳地点,现在它正在中国大量地赚钱。

    KURT SANGER , ING SECURITIES Honda is clearly the best place . It 's making significant money in China now .

  3. ING证券的桑格说,海外销售的增长将超过50%,因为本田在中国的销售业绩给所有汽车制造商设定了前进的步伐。

    ING Sanger says overseas sales growth will exceed 50 % , with Honda 's performance in China setting the pace for all automakers .

  4. 视觉效果总监蒂姆?韦伯(TimWebber);以及与卡隆共同担任剪辑的马克?桑格(MarkSanger)。

    the visual effects supervisor , Tim Webber , and the editor , in conjunction with Mr. Cuaron , Mark Sanger .

  5. 库尔特•桑格,汽车分析师,ING证券我认为,随着我们试图改进燃油经济性并以取得效果,我们将会看到越来越多的想法出现。

    KURT SANGER , AUTO ANALYST , ING SECURITIES I think we 're going to see a proliferation of ideas as we try and improve fuel economy .

  6. 桑格说,美国法院对于《蒙特利尔公约》的前身《华沙公约》(WarsawConvention)中“最终目的地”一词的含意存在分歧。

    Mr. Sanger said U.S. courts have split on the meaning of ' final destination ' in the Warsaw Convention , the predecessor of the Montreal Convention .

  7. 但航空案件律师、商业飞行员桑格(LaddSanger)说,我认为完全有理由提出,失事飞机上的所有人都可在美国提起诉讼。

    But Ladd Sanger , an aviation lawyer and commercially rated pilot , said , ' I think there 's a good argument that everyone on that airplane could bring a case in the U.S. '

  8. 桑格表示,志愿者也能够成为其百科全书Citizendium的编辑,只要他们能够表明,按现实世界的尺度衡量,自己享有最起码的资格。

    Mr Sanger said volunteers would be able to become editors of his encyclopedia , called Citizendium , if they can show minimum levels of qualification , based on real-world measures .

  9. 桑格表示,Citizendium将在未来几天向少数特约编辑和提出申请的公众成员开放,并将在今年底前全面开通。

    Citizendium will be open within the next few days to a limited number of invited editors and members of the public who apply , and will be made generally available by the end of the year , said Mr Sanger .

  10. 例如,巴西为测序做出了重大贡献。测序的数据将在美国基因组研究所和维尔康姆基金会桑格研究所的网站上公布。

    Brazil , for example , made a significant contribution to mapping the sequences .

  11. 但这远远不是桑格手中的几千美元所能够实现的。

    But the research would cost much more than the few thousand dollars Sanger had available .

  12. 桑格不仅仅对她那个时代的大众观念深刻思考,她还是优生优育事业的先驱者。

    Sanger did not just entertain popular ideas of her time-she was the champion of the cause .

  13. 桑格研究所期望通过加强这些伙伴关系来把研究结果变成实际的应用。

    By strengthening these links , the Sanger Institute intends to help turn research results into practical applications .

  14. 桑格说,更难确定的更大问题是,销售下滑幅度会有多大。

    ' The bigger issue , which is harder to pinpoint , is how much sales will go down , 'said Mr.

  15. 记者桑格认为,当前的销售目标很容易实现,同时在今后两年里汽车的年产量可以达到30万。

    CORRESPONDENT Sanger expects current sales targets to be easily met , and production may rise to 300000 annually within two years .

  16. 桑格认为,当前的销售目标很容易实现,同时在今后两年里汽车的年产量可以达到30万。

    Sanger expects current sales targets to be easily met , and production may rise to 3 00000 annually within two years .

  17. 桑格先生表示,根本问题在于该项目的反精英哲学,即不愿接受学术界专家的意见。

    The underlying problem , says Mr Sanger , is the project 's anti-elitist philosophy of not wanting to defer to academic expertise .

  18. 剑桥大学卫生行政部门和初级保健及维康信托桑格研究所桑德博士说道。

    Dr. Sandhu is with the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute .

  19. 油罐车在桑格村翻车,一些民众试图在石油起火之前哄抢,但是大部分人因为房屋起火而死亡。

    The truck overturned in Sange village while some people tried to gather leaking fuel before it ignited , but most died as their homes caught fire .

  20. 桑格表示,某个基金会将向他提供新项目的资金支持,而一家主机托管公司将提供免费服务。

    Mr Sanger said he had financial backing from an unidentified foundation for his new venture , while a web hosting company was providing its services free .

  21. 剑桥大学桑格研究院的研究人员发现了绝大多数致命疟原虫进入人体红细胞的途径。

    The route all strains of the most deadly malaria parasite use to enter red blood cells has been identified by researchers at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge .

  22. 桑格最初的斗争是向《康斯托克法》发出挑战,这是一部将出售避孕用品和传播避孕知识都视为违法行为的法律。

    Sanger had begun her battle by challenging the so-called Comstock Laws , statutes that criminalized the sale of contraceptive devices and the dissemination of birth control information .

  23. 子弹从他的右侧头部穿过,经过眼窝后面,最终停留在他的鼻腔内。万幸的是,桑格马诺并未受到很严重的伤害。

    The bullet went through the right side of his head , behind his eye socket and lodged in his nasal passage but miraculously did no serious damage .

  24. 但是,公共测序工程领导人,也就是剑桥附近桑格中心的蒂姆哈伯德,对此的反应则是:“他的数字现在肯定站不住脚了。”

    But Tim hubbard , of the Sanger Centre near cambridge , a leading figures in the public sequencing project , responded ," his figure is now untenable . "

  25. 桑格表示,令情况更加复杂的是,银行会不会设计有关方案,通过增加工资或推迟一年发放奖金的方式,来避开这种税收?

    Whether banks would then be able to devise schemes to get around the tax by increasing salary or deferring bonuses for another year raised additional complexity , Mr Sanger said .

  26. 桑格先生引用一个美国间谍的说法,马哈茂德先生是我们的终极噩梦,他知道巴基斯坦全部的核计划。

    Mr Sanger quotes an American spook as saying that Mr Mahmood was our ultimate nightmare . He had access to the entire Pakistani programme . He knew what he was doing .

  27. 开展这项研究的合作研究人员所在的机构包括美国芝加哥大学的韦尔科姆基金会桑格研究所,英国莱斯特皇家医院和伦敦大学学院儿童卫生研究所。

    The study was undertaken in collaboration with researchers at the University of Chicago , the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute , the Leicester Royal Infirmary and the UCL Institute of Child Health .

  28. 他说发展中国家的科学家可以很容易地获取这种测绘技术,他们可以通过桑格研究所的开放获取政策利用该研究所的数据库。

    He says that the mapping technology is easily accessible to scientists from the developing world , where they can use the databases of The Sanger Institute through its open access policy .

  29. 桑格将对于洛克的所有担忧抛在脑后,做出让步,“像他这样一位杰出的令人敬仰天主教徒,也许任何事情都能成功。”

    Sanger put aside her fears about Rock . " Being a good Roman Catholic and as handsome as a god ," she conceded ," He can just get away with anything . "

  30. 这项研究发表在《科学》期刊上,由一个国际研究组研究得出,包括英国剑桥郡的基金会桑格研究院,以及美国新墨西哥州的洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室。

    The study , in the journal Science , was carried out by an international group , including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico .