
  • 网络Julia Leung
  1. 梁凤仪表示,她也非常渴望最终看到以港股为标的资产、以人民币计价的ETF在香港上市。

    Ms Leung said she was also keen to eventually see ETFs listed in Hong Kong denominated in renminbi with underlying Hong Kong companies .

  2. 香港财经事务及库务局副局长梁凤仪(JuliaLeung)表示:投资者希望在亚洲市场上进行分散投资,希望获得一篮子港股的敞口。

    Investors are looking for diversification from the Asia market and want to gain exposure to a basket of underlying Hong Kong stocks , said Julia Leung , Hong Kong undersecretary for financial services and treasury .

  3. 试论梁凤仪小说的崇高美

    On the lofty beauty of Liang feng-yi 's short stories

  4. 梁凤仪:遇到两个最好的男人

    Two best men I have ever met

  5. 本文试从主人公形象的分析上来探讨梁凤仪小说《醉红尘》中的爱情。

    From man 's betrayal , This text will study the love of Inebriate World of Mortals on the analysis of the leading character 's image .

  6. 梁凤仪表示,与监管者的谈判仍在进行,交易所目前正在调整它们的系统,为股票的跨境结算与清算做准备。

    Talks are still under way with regulators and the stock exchanges are currently adjusting their systems for the cross-border clearing and settlement of stocks , said Ms Leung .

  7. 梁凤仪小说之所以受到读者欢迎,是因为在她的一系列小说中,讲述了一个个缠绵悱恻的现代爱情故事,塑造了一个个追求美而又被生活所欺骗,直至奋起的女性形象。

    Liang Feng-yi 's short stories are warmly welcome by readers only because she has told one after another sad and sentimental modern love short stories and created female images who have been seeking for beauty but cheated by life until standing up to fight .