
  • 网络Meck;Shoemaker;Nadezhda von Meck;Olmec;Melk;John Wanamaker
  1. 苏梅克-列维9号彗星(SL9)与木星相撞后,在木星上观测到的以常速度(-450m/s)向外扩展的圆环意味着这是碰撞在木星大气中引起的线性波动。

    After the collision between Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 ( SL9 ) and Jupiter , some ring structures propagating outwards at constant speed ( - 450m / s ) were observed on the surface of Jupiter , which implicates these rings are linear waves caused by the collision .

  2. 她和你的冯梅克有什么不同?

    And how is she different from your von meck ?

  3. 苏梅克&利维9号彗星与木星相撞的天文观测

    Astronomical Observation of the Strike between Shoemaker-Levy Comet and Jupiter

  4. 梅克说:「些神经元都各弹各的调,就像在一群人当中相互交谈的情况。每一种情况都有它各自的特点。

    All these neurons are oscillating on their own schedules , Meck says , like people talking in a crowd . Each situation has its individual peculiarities .

  5. 梅克说起了一个在上赛季他只是一个新秀时的故事,在第一次面对德克时他简直要疯了。

    Recounting a story from last season - when he was a rookie - Maker told about the time he got burned by the legend the first time he faced him .

  6. 中国科学院紫金山天文台今天宣布,中国已经建立全国性观测苏梅克列维9号彗星撞击木星的网络,并制订了规模宏大的天文监测计划。

    Zijin Mountain Observatory of the China Academy of Sciences announced today that a nation-wide observation network for the collision of shoemaker-levy9comet with Jupiter had been built in China and a large-scale astronomical observation plan had been formulated as well .

  7. 本文以彗木相撞的起因,木星简介、本系天文台对其天文观测的方法以及本次天文观测的意义等几个方面来阐述这次苏梅克&利维9号彗星与木星相撞的天文观测。

    This article is to introduce the astronomical observation of the strike between SL & 9 Comet and Jupiter from the following aspects : the cause of the strie ; the brief introduction about Jupiter ; the observational method adopted in our department ;