
  • 网络mESA
  1. 我住在华盛顿的梅萨,到汉福德的直线距离约为10英里。

    I live at Mesa , Washington , about 10 miles as the crow flies from Hanford .

  2. 51岁的索拉斯在亚利桑那州梅萨(Mesa)拥有一家工作场所安全咨询公司,他妻子是当地一家医院的重症监护护士。索拉斯痛恨离开妻子&即使她只是去医院上夜班。

    Mr. Sollars , 51 years old , who owns a workplace-security consulting firm in Mesa , Ariz. , hates being away from his wife even when she is just going to work , as an intensive-care nurse on the night shift at a local hospital .

  3. 梅萨皮人没有希腊血统——历史学家认为他们和因《第十二夜》(TwelfthNight)而声名远扬的伊利里亚人关系密切——但他们和希腊人往来,创造出了充满活力的文化。

    The Messapii were not of Greek origin - historians tie them to Illyria , of " Twelfth Night " " fame - but associated with the Hellenics to create a vibrant culture .

  4. 四年前,当意识到从那些在家接受教育的人身上损失了那么多的钱,并且当这些人重新入学时他们又是那么的毫无准备,梅萨便率先发起了Eagleridge项目。

    Mesa started Eagleridge four years ago , when it saw how much money it was losing from home-schoolers & and how unprepared some students were when they re-entered the schools .

  5. 更早些时亚曼达住在加州的拉梅萨。

    Prior to that Amanda lived in La mesa , california .

  6. 每一份毕业证书将需要科罗拉多梅萨大学支付五美元的费用。

    Each reissued diploma will cost the university about $ 5 .

  7. 在梅萨谷公园和现实相撞了。

    Which collided with reality at Mesa Valley park .

  8. 萨伦托的原住民是梅萨皮人。这是一个印欧民族,后来被叫做萨伦托人。

    Its original inhabitants were Messapii , an Indo-European people later called Salentini .

  9. 该遗址共有4400多处房屋,其中包括建在梅萨最高处的村落。

    Some 4,400 sites have been recorded , including villages built on the Mesa top .

  10. 现在,从远处看,梅萨维德仍然与数百年前一样,它距峡谷底部540米。

    Today , from a distance , Mesa Verde appears as it did centuries ago .

  11. 我在位于美国加利福尼亚州的梅萨学院教各种不同的音乐班级。

    Jaeryoung : I teach various music classes at San Diego Mesa College , California , U.

  12. 他的传教士,神父拉尼罗·卡塔拉梅萨指出教会已经准备做出一些调整。

    His preacher , Father Raniero Cantalamessa , indicated that the church is ready for some adjustments .

  13. 占领梅萨皮亚时,希腊人曾对当地的雕塑和绘画艺术赞赏不已。

    When the Romans conquered Messapia , they admired the local art : the sculpture and painting .

  14. 受叫拉丁美洲活动家兰迪·帕拉兹的鼓动,志愿者们在梅萨酷热的街道上静站,收集签名。

    Mobilised by Randy Parraz , a Latino activist , volunteers stood on Mesa 's sun-scorched streets and collected signatures .

  15. 梅萨县的副警长乔舒亚·邦奇和唐纳德·洛夫说过马路的时候钱宁用水果指着他们。

    Mesa County deputies Joshua Bunch and Donald Love said Channing pointed the fruit at them while crossing a street .

  16. 2008年6月4日朱迪·阿瑞亚丝在他前男友特拉维斯·亚历山大亚利桑那州梅萨的家中将其杀害。

    Jodi Arias murdered her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexader at his home in Mesa , Arizona on June 4 , 2008 .

  17. 穿过这个县,在亚利桑那州的梅萨,另一个地点的机构被称为乳腺癌协会,

    Across the country , in Mesa Arizona , another outpost of the , it 's called the Breast Cancer Society ,

  18. 在他发现这个遗迹不久,理查德.威瑟雷尔又回到了梅萨维德,来到了这些尘封数百年的遗迹。

    Soon after his discovery , Richard Wetherill returned to Mesa Verde , to the ruins that had remained silent and untouched for centuries .

  19. 为了把有错别字的毕业证书在两天之内全部重新打印并寄出,科罗拉多梅萨大学建立了一个网站专门来收集毕业证书重新印刷的申请。

    The university has already created a website to fulfill diploma requests with the goal of having each diploma reprinted and mailed out within two days .

  20. 在欧泰梅萨可怕的发现城市的一部分是符合签字杀害“厄尔尼诺张志贤风格”,蒂华纳的头号卡特尔重要一环。

    The gruesome discovery in the Otay Mesa part of the city is consistent with a signature killing style of " El Teo ", Tijuana 's most wanted cartel kingpin .

  21. 所以梅萨人将在刘易斯先生和皮尔斯先生当中做出选择,前者坐拥大批本地赞助者,是一个慈眉善目的门外汉;后者则在国内名头响亮,且金主遍布各地,是个十足的富贵闲人。

    And so Mesans will choose between Mr Lewis , an avuncular amateur with mostly local donors , and Mr Pearce , a sauntering state bigwig with far-flung donors and national fame .

  22. 加利福尼亚科斯塔梅萨&一个炎热的夏天,20多名中国游客从一辆白色班车上下来,打算花一下午的时间,在南加州最具标志性的一座高端商场购物。

    COSTA MESA , Calif. & On a hot summer day , nearly two dozen Chinese tourists descended from a white shuttle bus for an afternoon of shopping at one of Southern California 's signature upscale malls .

  23. 加利福尼亚科斯塔梅萨——一个炎热的夏天,20多名中国游客从一辆白色班车上下来,打算花一下午的时间,在南加州最具标志性的一座高端商场购物。

    COSTA MESA , Calif. - On a hot summer day , nearly two dozen Chinese tourists descended from a white shuttle bus for an afternoon of shopping at one of Southern California 's signature upscale malls .

  24. 据报道,作为卡塔尔博物馆馆长的梅萨公主,去年从一个私人收藏家手里以2.5亿美元的创纪录高价买下保罗·塞尚的名作《玩纸牌的人》。

    Sheikha Mayassa , then head of the Qatar Museums Authority , previously bought " The Card Players " by Paul Cezanne last year for a reported $ 250 million in a private sale the highest-price paid for a painting at the time .

  25. 梅萨公主是卡塔尔埃米尔的妹妹,弗朗西斯·培根的一副三联画在2013年以1.42亿美元卖出,成为当时该拍卖行有史以来最贵艺术品。最初媒体报道梅萨公主是该艺术品的买主。

    Sheikha Mayassa bint Hamad al-Thani , the sister of Qatar 's emir , was initially reported to have been the buyerof the artwork that was previously the most expensive sold at auction a Francis Bacon triptychthat went under the hammer for $ 142 million in 2013 .

  26. 斯塞诺、尤里安勒和人形的可怕的梅杜萨三姐妹中的任何一个,梅杜萨以毒蛇为头发,凡看到她眼睛的人都会变为石头。

    Greek Mythology Any of the three sisters Stheno , Euryale , and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyes that if looked into turned the beholder into stone .