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  1. 本文以语用和认知的综合观对古典名著《红楼梦》中称呼语的所指及其意图进行了较为系统的考察。

    By taking an integrated approach of cognitive linguistics and pragmatics , we have made a systematic analysis on the reference and the intention of the terms of address in the masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansion .

  2. 通过《红楼梦》中委婉语这一特定语言现象,可以窥见我们民族的心理结构、思维方式、社会行为和价值准则等文化内涵。

    From a specific linguistic phenomenon of euphemisms in Hong Lou Meng , western readers can catch a glimpse of rich and complicated cultural connotations in psychology , modes of thinking , social behavior and value standards of Chinese nation .

  3. 双关语是汉维两种语言中常用的修辞手段,《红楼梦》中双关语运用尤为突出,双关语可分为谐音双关、语义双关、形义双关。

    Pun is a commonly used figure of speech in both Chinese and Uygur languages . the use of the pun is particularly prominent in " Dream of Red Mansions ", which can be divided into homophonic pun , semantic pun , shape and meaning pun .

  4. 从译者主体性看《红楼梦》中死亡委婉语的翻译

    Translator 's Subjectivity in the Translation of Death Euphemisms in " Hong Lou Meng "

  5. 本文以《红楼梦》中的称谓语及其维译为主要的研究内容。

    In this paper research about addressing terms in " A Dream of Red Mansions " and research on their translations in to Uyghur .

  6. 本文从语用学角度研究《红楼梦》对话中称谓语的运作机制及动因。

    This research is a pragmatic study of the addressing terms used in the dialogic interactions of the novel A Dream of Red Mansions .

  7. 通过对杨宪益、戴乃迭译《红楼梦》中的委婉语的研究来探讨汉语委婉语的可译性及翻译技巧。

    This paper tries to search on the translatability and translation methods of euphemisms according to the discussion on the translation of Dream of Red Mansion .

  8. 本文主要从产生原因、分类还有特点几个方面阐释了红楼梦中的死亡委婉语。

    This paper centers on the death euphemisms in Hong Lou Meng , which is discussed specifically in terms of classification , features and the reasons for being .