
mènɡ yóu zhènɡ
  • sleepwalking;somnambulism
梦游症 [mèng yóu zhèng]
  • =梦行症

  1. 医生说,梦游症比人们通常认为的要常见得多。

    Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more commonthan is generally supposed .

  2. 医生们都说,梦游症要比人们通常认为的情况更加普遍得多。

    Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more common than is generally supposed .

  3. g癫痫梦游症:是夜间发生的一种自动症。

    G epileptic somnambulism : It is nightly a kind of when happen automatic disease .

  4. 我姑妈家里就有一个人有梦游症。

    I had an aunt who was a sleepwalker .

  5. 梦游症不是一个很大的问题。

    Sieepwaiking 's no big deai .

  6. 梦游症患者在发病过程中有可能造成危害社会的结果,甚至实施犯罪。

    Sleepwalkers may do harm to the society , even commit a crime in the course of disease .

  7. 构建一座精神的小镇&评墨白的《梦游症患者》和《寻找外景地》

    Building a small town of spirit & On MO Bai s works of Sleep-walking patient and Looking for the exteriors ground ;

  8. 有些患梦游症的人在梦游时会大声说话,以便把家庭中其他人吵醒,然后让家人把他们摇回清醒状态。

    Some sleepwalkers talk in their sleep loudly enough to wake someone else in the family who can then shake them back to their senses .

  9. 许多梦游症患者不前来就医,因而也就永远也不能记录在案,这就意味着永远也没办法作出精确的统计。

    Many sleepwalkers do not seek help and so are never put on record , which means that an accurate count can never be made .

  10. 他们争论道,不像简单的梦游症,这个妇女所做的动作需要复杂行为和协调运动,例如清楚地记得她的登陆细节。

    Unlike simple sleepwalking , they argue , the activities the woman engaged in required complex behaviour and coordinated movement , as well being able to remember her login details .

  11. 梦游症是精神病中意识障碍的一种。老年精神障碍已成为我国的常见病。

    Sleepwalking is one of the disturbances of consciousness that fall in the scope of psychopaths . Along with rapid aging process , mental disorders are commonly seen among the elderly in China .

  12. 关于梦游症所能肯定的两点就是梦游是情绪紊乱的一种症状,要治好梦游症的唯一的办法就是找到导致焦虑和担忧的病因。

    What is certain about sleepwalking is that it is a symptom of emotional disturbance , and that the only way to cure it is to remove the worries and anxieties that cause it .

  13. 众所周知,有些患有梦游症的人,为了保护自己把自己捆绑在床上,锁上自己的门,把钥匙藏起来,把窗户都栓死,若是万一自己起了床去梦游,他们采取了各种各样的措施以便把自己弄清醒过来。

    To protect themselves , some sleepwalkers have been known to tie themselves in bed , lock their doors , hide the keys , bolt the window , and take all sorts of measures to wake themselves if they should get out of bed .

  14. 那是梦游求爱症…一种没人愿意谈论的病症。

    Somnamorousness -- the condition no one wants to talk about .

  15. 尽管世界上大约7%的人口会在人生的某个时期梦游,但没人知道是什么原因导致了梦游症。

    Though about 7 percent of the population will sleepwalk at some point in their lives , no one knows for sure what causes somnambulism .