
  1. 你是否有某段记忆总在午夜梦回萦绕心头?

    Do you have any memories that haunt you at night ?

  2. 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。

    Look at the sword under the Iamp after drunk .

  3. 今夜里梦回南方小镇。

    I am dreaming tonight of an old southern town .

  4. 我生命中每个午夜梦回的时分

    All my life when I woke up at night

  5. 如今的我多少次梦回少年蹁跹。

    Today , how many times I walk around Dreaming of juvenile limp .

  6. 香梦回才褪红鸳被。

    I awoke from sweet dreams , and slipped out of my downy blankets .

  7. 梦回故里,思念的老家乡!

    Dreaming of home , dear old home !

  8. 梦回唐朝

    Back to Tang Dynasty in the dream

  9. 她,像个孩子一样梦回童年

    She like a girl dreaming of childhood

  10. 《梦回童年》侯骁彝意在唤起我们对传统生活方式的回归。

    In " Dream-Lingering Childhood ", Hou intend to arouse our nostalgia of traditional way of life .

  11. 梦回孔雀王朝

    Return To The Peacock Dynasty

  12. 可是,仍然有午夜梦回的清泪,仍然会在阳光灿烂时,突然间想到你。

    However , there are still a midnight Menghui the Qinglei still be in the sunshine , suddenly you think .

  13. 旧煤油灯在寡妇峰的窗口上来回的摇曳着,也把我从梦回越南中拉回到了现实。

    The old kerosene light flickered to and fro on the windows of the widow 's peak , Bringing me to reality .

  14. 那是家乡的魅力所在,多少夜晚梦回故乡,感知春的绿意,感受家乡邻里之间那纯情的至爱。

    That is the charm of home , number of night dreams of home , sense of spring green , hometown feel that innocent 's favorite neighborhood .

  15. 但是有时这事对于我来说,并没有那么久远,特别是在那些午夜梦回中,我梦见冰雹坠入那死者眼中的情景。

    Although sometimes it doesn 't seem that long to me , especially on the nights I wake up from dreams where the hail falls into his open eyes .