
  • 网络Dream Book;YMs
  1. 他就要参考他的《梦书》

    and he always consulted his lucky star dream book .

  2. 梦和书构成各自的世界,大家清楚,

    Dreams , books , are each a world ;

  3. 梦与书属于不同的世界,而我们知道,书是一个更广阔的世界,它们既纯洁而又美好。

    Dreams , books , are each a world ; and books , we know , are a large world , both pure and good .

  4. 梦与书是不同的世界,但我们知道,书的世界更为广阔,他们纯洁且美好&威廉。华兹华斯,英国诗人。

    Dreams , books , are each a world ; and books , we know , are a large world , both pure and good & William Wordsworth , British poet .

  5. 19世纪《红楼梦》续书研究简述

    Study of the Sequels of Red Chamber Dream Written in 19th Century

  6. 从理论上讲,弄清奥斯曼梦想的真实含义当然非她莫属。不过,《奥斯曼之梦》一书却让人觉得作者的学识并未得到充分发挥――书后列出了长达30页的参考书目。

    But Osman 's Dream leaves one with the impression that the author 's scholarship ― she includes a30-page bibliography ― could have been put to better use .

  7. “思理篇”则运用悲剧、圆形人物与扁形人物的理论来分析两代《红楼梦》续书的异同与得失。

    The thinking article discusses the difference and similar , gain and loss between these two kinds of continuations using the tragedy , the theory of circular person and flat form person .

  8. 不论你做了什么梦,《梦书》都能把它转换成数字

    A dream book takes any possible dream you can have and transforms it into a lucky number .

  9. 同时,《红楼梦》大量续书的出现,红学中索引、考证、探佚等诸流派的产生,也无不体现了结果期待的审美心理。

    Moreover , the continuation of Hongloumeng and the school of exploration in the study of Hongloumeng also reflected this psychology .

  10. 它是《红楼梦》众多续书中的一种,同时也是迄今为止发现的第一部由女作家创作出版的小说。

    It is one of many continuations of Dream of Red Chamber , and also the first novel published by female writer so far .

  11. 一个观察者,一个梦游人,本书的作者,曾去就近观望火山,被两头的火力夹在那过道里。

    An observer , a dreamer , the author of this book , who had gone to get a near view of this volcano , found himself in the passage between the two fires .