
mèng huàn
  • dream;illusion;vision;dreamworld;reverie
梦幻 [mèng huàn]
  • [dreamworld;dream;illusion;reverie] 梦中的幻境

梦幻[mèng huàn]
  1. 这造成了一种宛如真实的梦幻。

    It created an illusion reality .

  2. 第一层,梦幻乌托邦。

    The first point is the illusion and the idea about Utopia .

  3. 小时候他常常躲进自己的梦幻世界中。

    As a child he would often escape into a dreamworld of his own .

  4. 那音乐有一种梦幻般的哀伤。

    The music has a dreamy , elegiac quality .

  5. 亨德利在决赛中取得梦幻开局。

    Hendry made a flying start to the final .

  6. 他的诗歌带有一种梦幻般的浪漫色彩。

    His poetry tended towards a dreamy romanticism .

  7. 她那些色彩斑斓的油画与纸上作品给人一种天真、梦幻般的感觉。

    Her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive , dreamlike quality .

  8. 他在布尔河畔建造了他的梦幻屋。

    He had his dream house built on the banks of the river Bure .

  9. 他的最后一部书把现实与梦幻大胆糅合在一起,有些地方表现出超现实主义色彩。

    His last book is a bold , at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy .

  10. 他有一双蓝灰色的眼睛透着朦胧梦幻般的美。

    He had smoky grey-blue eyes .

  11. 这部电影试图面面俱到——既是喜剧、爱情剧、梦幻剧,还想是讽刺剧。

    The film tries to be all things to all men — comedy , romance , fantasy , and satire .

  12. 当他选择其他类型的新闻时,他常会从一个充满威胁的现实世界抽身出来,再投入到一个梦幻世界中去。

    When he selects news of the other kind , he usually withdraws from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world .

  13. 雾景给人以梦幻般的感觉。

    The misty scene had a dreamy quality about it .

  14. 一股寒气打击她的敞开的胸膛,把她从梦幻的境地中带了回来

    A cold gust swept across her exposed breast , wrenching her back to reality .

  15. 本文介绍了2008北京奥运开幕式LED画轴、地屏和梦幻五环的设计及制作。

    This article introduces LED scroll , ground screen and the dream of Olympic rings production for the2008 Olympic games .

  16. 这个私人资本集团在五月的时候,从堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)那里买下了2300万美元的债权,这是杰克逊抵押他在洛斯奥利沃斯的梦幻庄园而得来的贷款。

    The private-equity group in May bought from hedge fund Fortress Investment Group a $ 23 million loan backed by Neverland , in Los Olivos , Calif.

  17. 如果你也涉猎了叫做“Web设计”的伪码梦幻世界的话,你无疑会发现在这个时代绝大多数设计师会分属于两个阵营之一。

    If you 've also dabbled in the wonderful world of pseudo-coding called " web design " you undoubtedly recognize that , these days , most designers fall into one of two camps .

  18. colonycapital去年与杰克逊成立了一家合资公司,以整修荒废的梦幻庄园,使之免于被没收拍卖,该公司没有就其计划发表评论。

    Colony capital , which saved Neverland from a foreclosure sale last year by forming a joint venture with Jackson to spruce up the dilapidated property , has not commented on its plans .

  19. 从荷莱坞、荷来胡特、花坞到好莱坞,中国人心目中的Hollywood逐渐演变成美国电影的代名词和一个流光溢彩的梦幻天堂。

    With the forming of Hollywood in Chinese version , this term becomes a synonym of American films , a dreamlike heaven of flittering light .

  20. 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实的动物园,有着来自世界各地的动物,包括一条名为Muscles的巨蟒和一只叫泡泡的黑猩猩。

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles .

  21. 在首都伊斯兰堡市中心的“梦幻CD”商店,店员伊尔凡说,即使在杰克逊演艺事业的颠峰过去多年之后的今天,人们仍然前来购买他的歌集。

    At Illusions CD shop in downtown Islamabad , employee Irfan says , even today , years after the height of Jackson 's career , people still come to buy his music .

  22. 在杰克逊去世前,Colony首席执行官汤姆巴拉克(TomBarrack)曾表示,梦幻庄园的价值在7000万至9000万美元之间。

    Tom Barrack , Colony 's chief executive , said before Jackson 's death that the value of Neverland could be between $ 70m and $ 90m .

  23. 自9月份以来,只有一只垃圾债券得以发行,即美高梅金殿梦幻(MGMMirage)发行的7.5亿美元债券。

    Just one junk-bond issue has made it out since September , a $ 750 million issue for MGM Mirage .

  24. 在美丽岛(IsolaBella)上,博罗梅奥(Borromeo)家族已建立了一座梦幻的花园群区,它看起来就像一块漂浮的婚礼蛋糕。

    On Isola Bella , the Borromeo family has created a garden compound so fanciful it appears like a floating wedding cake .

  25. 杰克逊去世也改变了梦幻庄园(Neverland)的潜在命运,这座位于圣芭芭拉、占地2600英亩的牧场,一直是耗费杰克逊最多钱财的资产之一。

    His death has also transformed the potential fortunes of Neverland , the 2,600-acre Santa Barbara ranch that had been one of the heaviest drains on his cash .

  26. 碳纤维不仅用于制造钓鱼竿和网球拍,还大量应用于飞机制造业,如梦幻波音喷射客机787(Boeing787Dreamliner)以及一级方程式赛车车体制造。

    Carbon fiber has found its way into fishing rods and tennis rackets , and in larger quantities into airplanes like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the bodies of formula one racecars .

  27. 除了花大力气制作外观更加漂亮的游戏外,XboxOne还允许用户分屏,在观看电视的同时浏览其它信息,比如梦幻足球联赛(fantasyfootballleague)的成绩或进行Skype视频聊天。

    Aside from additional horsepower to make better looking games , Xbox One includes the ability to watch TV on one part of a screen while looking at other information , such as a fantasy football league scores or a Skype video chat , on another .

  28. 是梦幻客机上一个靠近过道的座位,还是MD-80上的一个中间座位?

    Are you flying in an aisle seat in a Dreamliner or in the middle seat in a MD-80 ?

  29. 梦幻篮球场:约为标准NBA球场三分之一大小的定制篮球场,用以举办篮球课程并培养明日之星。扣篮大赛:孩子们可以在这个蹦床区域展示他们的弹跳及扣篮天赋。

    The Arena : Roughly one-third the size of an NBA regulation court , The Arena is designed to teach basketball fundamentals and develop star players of tomorrow . Dunk Zone : Enclosed trampoline space where children can showcase their high-flying dunking skills .

  30. 他在这个赛季原本有个梦幻般的开局,但是在坑爹的U19国家队受伤之后,缺阵三个半月的时间。

    Having started the season so promisingly , Wisdom was ruled out for three and a half months after getting injured while playing for England U19s .