
  • 网络Dream China;China Dream
  1. 这是所有哈利波特粉丝的梦想中国正在建造一座真实的霍格沃茨魔法学校。

    It 's every Harry Potter fan 's dream - a real-life Hogwarts is currently being built in China .

  2. 同样的原因,许多跨国企业都梦想中国是他们紧紧抓住的那根救命稻草。

    The dream of China is the life preserver many multinational corporations are clinging to , not without some reason .

  3. 我就一直梦想来中国。

    It has always been my dream to come to China .

  4. 克里斯多佛伦布一直梦想去中国。

    Christopher Columbus always wanted to visit china .

  5. 那些外国专家怀着帮中国人把英语说得更好的梦想来到中国。

    A : Those foreign experts have come to China with a dream of helping Chinese to speak better English .

  6. 但对于那些梦想在中国做大的伦敦企业家而言,这个问题不会成为一个停步不前的理由。

    But , for the London entrepreneur who dreams of becoming big in China , that is not going to hold them back .

  7. 在你申请美国大学的过程中,这个博客会始终关注你这么一位准备在出色的美国大学追逐梦想的中国孩子。

    Throughout your college selection process , this blog emphasis will be on you , a particular Chinese student looking for a special college or university in the USA.

  8. 中国宁波――几十个梦想成为中国下一个音乐明星的孩子凝视着台上那个庞然大物;女孩们戴着头冠,男孩们身穿礼服。

    NINGBO , China - Dozens of girls in tiaras and boys in tuxedos who dreamed of becoming China 's next musical sensation stared at the beast on stage .

  9. 中印同为东方文明古国,当前处在相似的发展阶段,都在追求民族复兴的伟大梦想。中国梦和印度梦息息相通,相互契合。

    Being ancient Eastern civilizations at similar development stages , China and India are both pursuing the great dream of national renewal , dreams that are interconnected and mutually compatible .

  10. 他表示,尽管一些人仍梦想着中国海军成为一支世界级海军,有能力抹去殖民的耻辱,但这不是主要目的。

    Though some still dreamt of the navy becoming a world-class force capable of wiping the humiliation of colonialism away , he said , that was not the main purpose .

  11. 为了能够在竞争中站住脚,并且能够实现创国际一流电信企业,做世界级卓越公司的梦想,中国联通必须借鉴成功企业的经验,将服务为本作为企业致胜法宝。

    To be a successful competitor , to make the dream of " to be an international top operator , a world class company " real , China_Unicom must use for reference of other successful companies , and cherish better service as the trump .

  12. 国际一流船级社是CCS(中国船级社)几代人共同的梦想,也是中国造船和航运界共同的期盼。

    To build into a well advanced international classification society has been the dream of several generations of CCS people and also the common expectation of the Chinese shipbuilding and shipping industries .

  13. 那位老教授退休后最大的梦想是周游中国。

    The biggest dream of that old professor is touring around China after retiring .

  14. 我的梦想是去中国的南海度假。

    My dream is to go to the South Sea of China on vacation .

  15. 我梦想着变成中国的疤面老大。

    I dreamt of being the Chinese scarface .

  16. 这个梦想就是在中国历史上首次在举办奥运会。

    That dream has been to host the Olympics for the first time in China 's history .

  17. 这是一个梦想,而中国正在为亿万人民成就这个梦想。

    This is the dream and China is making it reality for millions and millions of people .

  18. 在中国,城里学校与农村学校的学生质量通常有着很大的差别。当我还是一名在校大学生的时候我就梦想着来中国学习中国文化。

    Cities generally have In China there is a huge difference in the average academic achievement of students from country schools versus city schools .

  19. 我的梦想是看到中国的学生有机会和其他国籍的学生在同一所国际学校里上学,林说,那才是未来。

    My dream is to see international schools in China accessible to Chinese citizens and other nationalities together in the same school , Lin said . That 's the future .

  20. 我想我的整个心和梦想都在中国。所以我退学了,也没有接受“青年大使”提出的演出邀请。事实上,我选择直接搬到中国,来追我的梦。

    I decided to withdraw from my Masters program , decline the offer and scholarship to perform again with the Young Ambassadors , and instead move to China to pursue my dream .

  21. 谁能想到美国人的信心被之后新奥尔良的卡特里娜飓风所摧毁?而在二十一世纪,同样的梦想正在被中国人以十倍的规模重塑。

    Who would have guessed then that this faith would crumble for Americans , paving the way for a post-Katrina New Orleans just as the dream was being reborn in21st-century China at10 times the scale ?

  22. 中国梦与世界各国人民的梦想息息相通,中国在实现自身发展的同时将努力带动和帮助其他国家特别是发展中国家和周边国家发展。

    Since the Chinese dream is closely linked with the dreams of other peoples around the world , China is committed to helping other countries , developing countries and neighboring countries in particular , with their development while achieving development of its own .

  23. 自19世纪一些英国纺织业大亨梦想让每个中国人的衬衣下摆加长一英寸以来,外国企业一直试图为这个世界人口最多的市场提供一种中国民众想要、当地厂商提供不了的产品。

    Ever since some English textile magnates dreamt of adding an inch to every Chinese shirttail in the 19th century , foreign companies have sought to supply the world 's most populous market with a product that the people of China want and local industry cannot provide .

  24. 同一个世界,同一个梦想,我们与中国一起耀眼夺目!

    One World , One Dream , Let 's Shine With China .

  25. 她的梦想是周游全中国。

    Her dream is to travel around China .

  26. 我曾梦想有朝一日能访问中国,能在美丽的上海工作一段时间。

    I had a dream that one day I can visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while .

  27. 我有一个梦想我能组织中国的艺术家,歌唱家,音乐家,舞蹈家在全世界进行爱滋病义演。

    I have a dream that I can organize Chinese artists and vocalists , musicians and terpsichorean to give Aids Benefit Concerts all over the world .

  28. 是的,我多年来一直在梦想着能来中国,我很高兴现在终于实现了。

    C : Yes . I have been dreaming of coming to China for years . I am so glad that it has come true finally .

  29. 在将来,我也将继续实现我的梦想,提出对中国改革更多有针对性和实际价值的理论和建议!

    In the near future , I will still persist in an effort to fulfill my dream and put forward more practically valuable advice and theories for China 's reform .

  30. 今天,我想跟你们谈谈梦想,关于畅想你们未来的梦想,关于中国的梦想。

    And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams , about the dreams of your future , and dreams for this country .