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  • 网络Water
  1. 全体支援;10MP;加强火属性,削弱水属性。

    Global Support ; 10 MP ; Strengthens Fire , weakens Water .

  2. 第一章论述由水的属性生成的意象,即属性型水意象。

    The first chapter deals with the water images caused by water attribute .

  3. 水的属性对石膏型性能的影响

    The Influence of Water on Properties of Plaster Mold

  4. 河北平原部分地区深层地下水开采的地沉效应及水资源属性再认识

    Effects of pumping deep groundwater on land subsidence and revaluation of characters of deep groundwater resources in part regions of Hebei Plain

  5. 水资源自然属性和社会属性分析

    Study on Natural and Social Attribute of Water Resource

  6. 究其原因就是对水资源财产属性的否定。

    This is caused by the deny of the property attributes of water resources .

  7. 水的自然属性决定了水具有使用价值,水资源消费的竞争性和排他性决定了水定价的必要性。

    The value in use of water is determined by its natural property , the necessity of water pricing is determined by its competitive and exclusive consumption .

  8. 从水资源的属性看,只有实行统一管理才能充分发挥管理的社会、经济与环境三重效益。

    From the property of water resource , only by implementing the unified management can you fully make triple benefits of society , economy and environment of management .

  9. 本文从水资源的自然属性出发,提出了采用能值(Emergy)理论与方法研究天然水资源价值的新思路。

    From the aspect of the natural attribute of water resources , emergy theory and method is applied to the evaluation of natural water resources .

  10. 水下噪声听觉属性的主观评价与分析

    Subjective evaluation and analysis of auditory attributes for underwater noise

  11. 区域水规划方案多属性递阶群决策

    Multiple-attribute hierarchy group decision-making on regional water planning scheme

  12. 水资源管理多属性决策与风险分析理论方法及应用研究

    Theory , Method and Application of Multi-Attribute Decision Making and Risk Analysis on Water Resources Management

  13. 完成水资源所有权私权属性的回归是水资源物权所有权制度设计的前提。

    The premise of the design of the water property rights system is the return of the private ownership of water resources .

  14. 同样,水资源的商品属性和稀缺性导致政府配给制度的作用失灵。

    Similarly , it was the commodity and scarcity properties of water resources that result in government institution failure in allocating water resources .

  15. 应用属性识别理论,建立了水安全评价的属性识别模型,并应用山东省的资料对模型应用过程作了详细说明。

    The attribute recognition theory was used to establish the attribute recognition model of water safety assessment , which was applied to Shandong Province .

  16. 体制创新要体现水资源的自然属性和商品属性,要引入市场机制,实行水资源统一管理;

    The system innovation is to reflect the natural attribute and commercial attribute of water resources , to introduce the market mechanism , and to implement the centralized management of water resources ;

  17. 杠杆原理是指在市场经济条件下,根据水资源的商品属性,运用价值和价格手段进行需求调控。

    Thirdly , leverage principium means that , the merchandise attribute of water resources is remarkably outstanding in economic market condition ; therefore , many economic means , such as price , finance , revenue , can be utilized to regulate water demand .

  18. 本文认为水资源的空间属性、外部性、准公共品属性和区际水资源配置中的利益再分配属性都是引发区际冲突的关键诱因。

    We think the spatial attribute of the water resource , externality , the attribute of quasi-public goods and the attribute of benefit redistribution in interregional water resource allocation are all the key inducements which cause the interregional conflict in water resources utilization .

  19. 指出人类社会的发展史是一部治水史;水资源的多重属性决定了水利属于社会学范畴;水利工程在国民经济和社会发展中占有重要作用。

    The writer points out that the history of the development of human society is a history of water management ; water resources belongs to decidedly of the sociology of water due to its multiple attributes ; Water plays an important role in national economic and social development .

  20. 水工程建设必须符合水的自然属性,只有开发有度,开发与保护并举,才有河流的健康,才有人与水的和谐。

    The construction of water projects must conform to the natural behaviours of water . Only reasonably developing water projects and simultaneously implementing development and protection can maintain the river behaviours and promote the harmony between human being and water .

  21. 本文就水彩画媒介材料、技法体系及水彩画西方文化属性三个方面来分析本体语言。

    This article analyzes the true language from the media materials of watercolor , skill system and western culture properties of watercolor .

  22. 把跨流域调水工程协调机制的研究界定为两大方面,一方面是调水工程的水属性研究;

    The researches of coordination mechanism of interbasin diversion project come down to two major aspects .

  23. 流域水资源系统是自然和人工水循环的复合系统,二元复合特性成为水循环的固有属性。

    The water resources system of basin is the complex system of human and natural water circulation , and dual complex character becomes the intrinsic property of water circulation .

  24. 水是中国古典诗歌艺术中一个很重要的审美形态,这是由于水具有各种自然属性及各种各样的形式美特征,吸引了诗人的审美情意,从而赋予了它丰富多样的审美内涵。

    Water is an important aesthetic pattern in the Chinese classical poetic art . The reason is that water possesses various natural property and features of form beauty attracting the poets ' aesthetic feeling , thus endowed with rich various aesthetic connotation .

  25. 回顾水资源配置理论研究的主要成果,评述水资源配置的机制与方法,探讨统筹考虑水资源各属性以实现水资源合理配置的原则与方法。

    The main achievements of theoretical researches on allocation of water resources are reviewed , the corresponding mechanism and methods are commented , and the multi-attributes of integrated planning of water resources are discussed so as to realize the principles and methods of rational allocation of water resources .

  26. 本文首先对综合评价理论的研究进展及其在水资源领域的应用进行了分析,水资源评价指标体系研究,水资源系统的模糊识别、水资源管理多属性决策都是当前的研究热点。

    At first , the thesis analyzes the synthetic evaluating theory and its application in water resources area . Index system of water resources scheming , fuzzy recognition of water resources system and multiple attributes decision-making of water resources management are all current popular research areas .