
yǔ shū
  • Notice of Violations of Disciplines and Law in Nanjun Region:administrative document of the Qin Dynasty unearthed at Shuihudi in Hubei Province in 1975
  1. 我想了想昨天发生的事情还有那本菲律宾语书

    I just was thinking about yesterday , and about the Filipino book

  2. 这是一本古凯尔特语书,是用于19世纪中期一个神秘社团的。

    It 's an obsolete Celtic text used by secret societies in the mid-19th century .

  3. 尽管你能轻松地看法语书,但要用法语对话时,你会感到那可就是另外一回事了。

    Even if you read French easily , you 'll find it 's another cup of tea to make conversation in french .

  4. 乔记得那位和蔼的老绅士常常让她用大字典堆起铁道桥梁,跟她讲拉丁语书中那些古怪插图的故事,在街上碰到她时给她买姜饼。

    Jo remembered the kind old gentleman , who used to let her build railroads and bridges with his big dictionaries , tell her stories about queer pictures in his Latin books , and buy her cards of whenever he met her in the street .

  5. 他将一本拉丁语的书翻译成英语。

    He translated a Latin book into English .

  6. 我进入飞行器,把他那本视若珍宝但实际上一无是处的关于龙语的书给撕了个粉碎。

    I got in my flying machine and began tearing away at his precious , stupid , dumb-head book on Draconic .

  7. 手册带有一个电子声音模块,可以模拟出准确的僵尸发音(”RAHHHhh!”),一共有10个不同的短语,教会你如何说僵尸语。书里面还有文字说明僵尸世界的习俗和礼仪,以及插图讲解僵尸的行为。

    Remember , it 's " RAHHHhh ! " not " Rawr " or " Raaaaah . " Helpful text explores the customs and etiquette of living in a zombie world and detailed illustrations will let you peek into the everyday lives of the undead as they 're working on their muscles or dancing at a local club .

  8. 约翰戴维斯,第一本塔希提语的语法书和字典的出版者;

    John Davies who published the first grammar and dictionary of Tahitian ; Dr.

  9. 《最后的通用语》一书的基本观点就是文明的发展必将呈现多种语言齐头并进的态势。

    The fundamental contention of The Last Lingua Franca is that civilisation is growing more multilingual .

  10. 其他常见的错误包括:文笔单调,前言不搭后语,计划书又臭又长。

    Other common errors include : dry writing , inconsistencies from section to section , and making the plan way too long .

  11. 众多的典故词语,相对委婉的骂詈语使得该书较大程度上保持了文言的典雅性、保守性。

    Many allusions words , a relatively tactful Swear Words makes the book a greater extent to maintain the classical elegance and the conservatism .

  12. 通过对《山海经》的内容、语言特点与考古资料进行比较、研究,可以发现《山海经》巴蜀图语本成书于西周初中期至战国中期。

    According to the analyses and compare of Shanhai Jing 's content , words and archaeological data , we can find out that Shanhai Jing , written by Ba & Shu languages and pictures , completed in early stage and midterm of Western Zhou .