
  • 网络Chu bamboo slips;the bamboo slips of chu
  1. 楚简所见儒家仁学思想研究

    Research of the Confucian Thought of Ren in the Chu Slips

  2. 楚简《仲弓》与《论语·子路》仲弓章读记

    Reading Notes of Zhong Gong and Zi Lu from the Analects of Confucious

  3. “大水”是出土楚简所载较普遍祭祀的重要神只。

    " Dashui " is common worship in Chu bamboo slips as an important deity .

  4. 包山楚简中所涉及的人名很多。

    There are many names of people mentioned in the Baoshan Bamboo Strips of Chu state .

  5. 王充天体论、人性论和性命论中的伦理思想探析郭店楚简《性自命出》的天命观与心性论

    Ethical Thoughts of Wang Chong 's Theory on Celestial Body , Human Nature and Individual Personality

  6. 楚简《老子》的文本构成,是目前学界争论的焦点问题。

    The issue of the text composition of Chujian Lao Zi is a key controversy in the present academic world .

  7. 郭店楚简出土以前,先秦儒家思想主要以孔、孟、荀为代表。

    Before the exploit of the Inscribed Bamboo Slip at Guo Dian Confucius , Mencius and Xun represented the pre-Confucianism thought .

  8. 《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想的核心是仁内义外。

    The core of the Confucians ' political ethics thought of chu bamboo slips is " outside justice in the benevolence " .

  9. 第三节从语音、结构、数量对应三个方面探讨了楚简新见通假借字与本字之间的关系。

    Section ⅲ discussed the relationship between borrowed characters and original characters from the three aspects of pronunciation , composition and parallelism of number .

  10. 在郭店楚简《鲁穆公问子思》与《孟子》的比较研究中,可以探讨思孟学派理想人格何以建立的哲学要义。

    In the comparison between Lumugong Questioning Zisi and Mencius , we can research the key thought of the Simeng School for constructing the ideal personality .

  11. 构件视角的秦简牍文和楚简帛文构形差异比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Configuration Differences between Characters on Qin Bamboo Slips and Characters on Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Books in the Perspective of Components

  12. 郭店楚简儒家文献展示出孔子之后儒家礼乐教化美育观的发展。

    The discovery of Guodian Chujian , which is the Confucianism literature , discloses the development of Liyue , which is the aesthetic education thought after Confucius .

  13. 以包山楚简为例,雕然出土己久,研究成果丰富多样,但文字学角度专门的系统性研究尚少。

    As an example , Baoshan Chu Slips has been unearthed for a long time , research is rich and varied , but few specialized systematic study of philology angle .

  14. 词的特点体现出的文化现象主要有以下几点:一、楚简文字字形具有鲜明的地域特点这一特点,从侧面反映出战国时楚国文化的地域性和独特性。

    The cultural phenomenon of Chu region reflected by the characteristics of the word include four points : First , the uniqueness of the font reflects the uniqueness of chu culture .

  15. 湖北荆门郭店楚简的发现和上海博物馆收藏楚竹书的公布,轰动了中国乃至国际学术界。

    The discovery of Guodian Chu bamboo slips of Jingmen town Hubei province and the promulgation of Chu bamboo books of Shanghai museum , cause a sensation in China and even World .

  16. 同时《郭店楚简》政治伦理思想对当今我国落实科学发展观和以德治国和公民道德修养建设都有一定的启示。

    At the same time , " Guodian chu bamboo slips " political ethics has some enlightenment to implement scientific development view and administer the country with morality and citizen 's morals training .

  17. 新蔡葛陵楚简是上世纪末在河南省境内出土的一批重要的楚文字资料,自其面世以来即受到学术界的高度关注。

    The Chu bamboo slips at Geling of Xincai are very important historical written materials discovered in Henan province and have been paid great attention by the academia since the end of last century .

  18. 本文讨论上海博物馆藏楚简《鲁邦大旱》释读上若干关键的问题,为《鲁邦大旱》全文的解读提供一些基础性的研究。

    This article studies a few key problems for interpreting a bamboo text " A drought in the state of Lu " collected in Shanghai Museum , and provides one base for reading the whole chapter .

  19. 第四章在量化统计分析的基础上阐述了楚简新见字义在汉字发展史上的意义,共分为四节。

    Based on statistic analysis of data , Chapter IV explained the significance of new-seeing meanings of characters in Chu bamboo slips on the history about the evolution of Chinese characters , is divided into four sections .

  20. 上海博物馆战国楚简《诗论》释读《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(一)》出版后,引起海内外学术界的普遍关注,已有不少学者相继发表了多篇各类研究文章。

    After The Shanghai Museum 's Collections of Chu Documents Writing on the Bamboo Pieces ( Part I ) was published , it has been attached importance by the academic world both in the country and oversee .

  21. 目前学界封於楚简的研究,多集中在简文考释、内容研究和整理文字编方面,而且封新出文献的热度相封更高。

    The academic world for the study of Chu bamboo slips , mostly concentrated in verifying and explaining the text , content researching and character compilation organizing , and the passion of studying on the new literature is relatively higher .

  22. 在德治论中,楚简对统治者提出义、忠、智、信、圣、仁六德,突出儒家以伦理治国的特色。

    Among rule of virtue theory , Chu bamboo slips propose justice , loyal , intelligently , faith , holy , benevolence six moral to ruler while being simple , stress the characteristic that the Confucians run a country with ethics .

  23. 在命运之天面前,人可以发展自己的内在人格世界,修身俟命,采取天与人各行其是、互不相干的态度,这与郭店楚简中的思想极其相似;

    Facing the Nature as fate or lot , man can develop his inner world of personality , cultivate his moral character and calm with his lot , let man and fate to act in respective way and to be mutually noninterference .

  24. 第一章对部分歧释楚简文字的考释意见进行了汇集、分析和论断,目的是为楚简新见字义的系统整理奠定一个较为可靠的基础。

    The first chapter collected , analyzed and concluded the part of views on the Chinese characters in Chu bamboo slips which have different interpretations . The purpose is to form a more solid foundation for to systematically clear up the new seeing-meanings of characters in Chu bamboo slips .