
mèng jīng
  • night-terror;night-startlings;pavor nocturnus
梦惊[mèng jīng]
  1. 石破梦惊&论《红楼梦》的结构原理

    On the Structure Principle of Dream of Red Mansions

  2. 西方天空的浪潮&午夜梦惊。

    At dreaming midnight o'er the western wave .

  3. 黑色呼吸让她的梦溢满惊浪,她的名。

    The black breathing that billows her sleep , her name .

  4. 急促的闹铃把我从梦中惊醒醒,又是凌晨三点&一天的无聊又要开始。

    The noise of the shortness of the bell I was awakened from the dream up , and three in the morning , a day of boring and to start .