- gradient diffusion

An improved method is proposed by adding the same direction gradient diffusion to the Perona-Malik model , and it 's proved by experiments to be able to remove the isolated noise more effectively as well as to preserve the edges better .
Image denoising method based on the same direction gradient diffusion
Research on Liquid Water Transport Model for Gradient Structure Gas Diffusion Layer of PEMFC
Thereafter , according to the unsaturated flow theory ( UFT ) model , the equations are derived of one dimensional liquid saturation , liquid flux , liquid remaining in GDL , gas diffusion coefficient for gradient GDL .
Problems of the GRADIENT-DIFFUSION theory in its application to the determination of mass and energy fluxes
Effect of Concentration Gradient of Vacancies on Diffusion in Double Glow Plasma Surface Alloying
After gradient vector diffusion and gradient flow tracking , the cell image is separated into some small regions , each region containing one cell and its background . Local adaptive thresholding is performed for each small region , the single cell can be extracted from the background .
Three-dimensional reconstruction of brain surface anatomy : technique comparison between flash and diffusion-weighted imaging
Effects of diffusion due to internal gradients on NMR response in rocks
A gradient-based constrained diffusion algorithm is proposed in this paper .
To compare the dependence of diffused attenuation on temperature and time in inhomogeneous and linear gradient magnetic field
The carbon diffusion layer is affected by concentration gradient of alloy elements and carbon , atom diffusion , the heat treatment and surfacing processes .
Objective ; To compare the dependence of signal attenuation on temperature and time caused by the diffusion movements in inhomogeneous and linear gradient magnetic field .
Its idea is to control the smoothness of diffusion using image gradient which represents edges , so this method is a non-linear adaptive denoising method .
Based on the classical heat diffusion model , a diffusion function is introduced in the gradient direction , which can make the diffusion occur according to the characteristic of an image .
When the moisture content is below fibre saturation point , the movement of absorbed water is subdivided into two parts : one is diffusion transfer due to the vapor pressure gradient , the other is moisture movement caused by the pressure fluctuation due to the variation of medium .
Only diffusion under a concentration gradient is considered in this chapter .
Dynamic equations are used in which the vertical gradient and vertical diffusion are parameterized .
Numerical analysis of component and thermal stress redistribution in β - ti / tic FGM by thermomigration
Specifically , the image intensity gradient is utilized as the impetus and direction for oil slick propagation .
The diffusion bonding has attracted more and more attention as a new welding technology , and gets the extensive practical engineering application .
The change ratio reduces gradually as the vegetation coverage increases ; the rigidity of chromizing layers gradually reduces to that of steel substrate .
The results show that the gas is accelerated , and then the flame becomes sharper and more brilliant immediately when the gradient magnetic field acts on the flame .
The mechanism for this rapid densification process is considered that high temperature gradient within the felt and diffusion process of the carbon resource is controlled by dynamic process .
Some technical parameters are analyzed by the testing of sheet resistance and concentration grads , such as direction and flux of airflow , diffusion temperature , diffusion time , type of silicon substrate , clearance between source and silicon wafer . The proper technical parameters are fixed .