
  • 网络absorbability;water injectivity;Moisture absorption capacity;water absorbing power
  1. 对更新井吸水能力的认识

    Understanding to water injectivity of renewal wells

  2. 关于非均质油层吸水能力影响因素的研究

    A study on the factors affecting water injectivity into heterogeneous oil reservoirs

  3. 并对该敷料的外观、表面结构、单位体积质量、透气率、吸水能力、抗撕强度、pH值、炽灼残渣测定等理化性能进行了检测和分析。

    The appearance , surface structure , mass per unit volume , air permeability , water absorptivity , tensile strength , pH value and remains after burn were measured .

  4. 结果表明:洗涤方法、洗涤前pH值、干燥前pH值和洗涤次数对干燥后产物的吸水能力均有影响。

    The results showed that washing method , pH values before washing and drying , and the number of the times of washing had effects on the water absorbancy of the dried product .

  5. 结果表明,PAMPS凝胶具有很高的吸水能力和溶胀比,同时对pH值有较强的响应能力。

    The results showed that PAMPS hydrogel had higher capability of absorbing water , larger swelling ratio and stronger responsive capability to pH value .

  6. 水热合成4A分子筛过程中,原料的配比对合成分子筛的种类及纯度有极大影响,进而影响4A分子筛的钙离子交换能力、吸水能力等理化性能。

    The proportion of raw materials has a great effect on the type and purity of molecular sieves when they are synthesized by water thermal synthesis .

  7. 根系导水率是反映根系吸水能力的水力特性参数,该参数在SPAC系统水分传输研究中具有重要应用价值,它能够深入反映土壤环境因素对根系吸水的影响机理。

    It has important significance for the research of SPAC water transfer , and can reflect the mechanisms of soil factors influencing root water uptake .

  8. 番茄施用树脂包膜尿素,地上、地下生长和NPK的吸收得到平衡促进,提高了叶片硝酸还原酶活性、光合速率和吸水能力,对叶绿素含量影响不显著;

    The polyolefin-coated urea could evenly promote tomato growth and NPK absorb , enhance leaf nitrate reductase photosynthesis rate and water absorb ability , no marked effect on leaf chlorophyl content ;

  9. 反应产物用碱水解、干燥后,可得吸水能力大于800ml/g的吸水树脂。

    After the grafting , product was hydrolyzed with alkali and dried , the absorbent resin was obtained which had capacity of absorbing water over 800 ml per gram .

  10. 结果表明,通过降低能荷,改变分解代谢与合成代谢的比率,使渗透调节物质积累,增加了幼苗的吸水能力,从而使其在一定的ATP能量水平上维持缓慢生长;

    The results showed that , by reducing energy charge , increasing the ratio of catabolism to anabolism , accumulating the osmoticum , decreasing the osmotic potential and strengthening the water uptake ability , caused the seedlings to maintain its , slow growth rate on higher energy level .

  11. 在此基础上研制了以Windows9X/2000/XP为平台的注水井射孔设计与吸水能力评价的软件系统,这对于指导注水井射孔优化设计和操作参数设计具有重要实际意义。

    The software system of optimization design of perforation design and well injectivity prediction has been developed in Windows9X / 2000 / XP platform . It is very helpful and has important significance to guide perforation optimization design and operating parameter designs for water injection wells .

  12. 在K-MMT-PEO复合物中,K+与PEO和粘土表面都存在配合作用,形成稳定的三元配合物,在不同相对湿度下,K-MMT-PEO配合物吸水能力较低,层间距基本不变。

    In the K-MMT-PEO composites , K + was coordinated with MMT and PEO to form stable complex , and under the conditions of different relative humidity , the water contents of the K-MMT-PEO composites were low and the interlayer space kept nearly constant .

  13. 低&特低渗透油藏注水井吸水能力变化规律研究

    Study on the change of injectivity for low-extra low permeability reservoirs

  14. 油井产油能力和吸水能力都非常低。

    Deliverability and water intake capacity of oil well are very low .

  15. 甘薯全粉的吸水能力、吸油能力以及糊化特性在挤压蒸煮后也发生了一定的变化。

    After extrusion cooking , the properties of sweet potato granules changed .

  16. 油基钻井液对注水井吸水能力影响的室内评价

    Laboratory Evaluation of Injectability in Injecting Water Well by Using the Oil-based Mud

  17. 但在油田注水过程中,由于各种原因造成注水地层吸水能力下降,影响了油田注水开发的效果。

    However , the descendent injectivity influences development result during the process of waterflooding .

  18. 侧柏等4树种在不同水分亏缺下恢复吸水能力的研究

    Study on the water absorbing ability of Platycladus orientalis etc. under the different water deficit

  19. 论文从理论方面研究了水质控制指标对注水井吸水能力的影响规律。

    The influence of controlling specifications of water quality on well injectivity has been studied theoretically .

  20. 镜片的两边都涂上了一种吸水能力特别强的材料。

    The lenses are coated on either side with a material that is extra-attractive to water .

  21. 此外,木材水分含量测定表明,当样品中酚类物质含量高的时候,样品的吸水能力往往较差。

    Furthermore , a high concentration of phenolics was connected to the low hygroscopicity of the wood .

  22. 低渗透油藏注水井吸水能力低,注水压力逐渐升高,注水开发效果差。

    Waterflooding performs poorly in low-permeability reservoirs due to their low absorbing capacity and gradually increasing injection pressure .

  23. 注入经深度处理的水,可提高油层吸水能力。

    The water - absorbing capacity of oil reservoir can be increased by the injection of indepth treated water .

  24. 再对羧甲基化纤维素进行交联改性处理,能够使之成为一种既保持纤维形态及高吸水能力,又具有力学强度的吸水材料。

    And the carboxymethyl-cellulose is treated by the crosslinking , so the superabsorbent and high-strength material has been fabricated .

  25. 本产品使用最精致最新的布料制作而成!具有超强的吸水能力,透风性很好!

    The product is made of the most elaborate and newest material which features its super water-absorbing and ventilatory nature .

  26. 生根粉通过促使植株根系,尤其是侧根生长增强植株吸水能力抗旱;

    Rooting powder ( ABT ) can improve the throws of plant by facilitating rooting , especially the side root .

  27. 对于低渗透区块,注入水的水质是影响注水井吸水能力、保持地层压力和油井产量的关键因素。

    Injected water quality is the key factor affecting water absorbing capacity and maintenance of formation pressure and oil production .

  28. 通过使用生化制剂借以改善植物根系周围土壤水分状况和林木本身的吸水能力。

    The use of chemical preparation can improve the soil water condition of root environments and the seedlings ' bibulous capacity .

  29. 实验结果表明,Ca2+表面交联处理提高了复合材料的保水能力和凝胶强度,同时也使其吸水能力略有下降。

    The result shows that surface crosslinking improves water retention capability increases hydrogel strength , but reduced its water absorption capability a little .

  30. 粉煤灰疏松多孔,具有一定的吸水能力,对土壤有很好的改良作用;

    The fly ash with a loose and porous structure has definite absorbent ability , which has a good effect on soil improvement .