
jiǎn yàn hé ɡé zhènɡ
  • inspection certificate;certificate for export
  1. 各系列产品均获得了国家颁发的工业产品生产许可证及检验合格证,并通过欧洲电器安全CE认证及国家ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。

    Our diversified products have been issued national production licence and certificate of competency , and have been passed the ISO9001:2000 Quality Certification System and CE certificate of Europe .

  2. 飞机经过全部试验合格后,才能获得政府颁发的飞行性能检验合格证。

    When a plane has passed all the tests it can get a government certificate of airworthiness .

  3. 第二十五条食品生产经营者采购食品及其原料,应当按照国家有关规定索取检验合格证或者化验单,销售者应当保证提供。

    Article 25 Whenever producers or marketers of food procure supplies , they shall , in accordance with the relevant State regulations , request inspection certificates or laboratory test reports and the supplier must provide these .

  4. 进入装配的零件及部件(包括外购件、外协件),均必须具有检验部门的合格证方能进行装配。

    Enter the assembly of parts and components ( include the external components and outsourcing ), it must have testing departments of the certificate can be assembled .