
jiǎn yì chuán rǎn bìnɡ
  • Quarantine infectious diseases;contagious disease subject to quarantine
  1. 关于控制和消灭检疫传染病的若干思考

    A Number of Consideration about Control and Dispel Quarantinable diseases

  2. 检疫传染病监测系统和监测点设置原则

    Surveillance system for quarantine communicable diseases and setting principle of surveillance point

  3. 因患检疫传染病而死亡的尸体,必须就近火化。

    The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable infectious disease must be cremated at a nearby place .

  4. 对因患检疫传染病而死亡的病人尸体,必须就近火化,不准移运。是火持续不断地焚烧,不是每个尸体。

    The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place . It was the fire that continued to burn , not individual dead bodies .

  5. “染疫人”指正在患检疫传染病的人,或者经卫生检疫机关初步诊断,认为已经感染检疫传染病或者已经处于检疫传染病潜伏期的人。

    " Quarantinable epidemic victim " means a person who suffers from quarantinable infectious disease or a person who has been proved through primary diagnosis by the health and quarantine organ to have caught the quarantinable infectious disease or have become an incubation carrier .

  6. 控制质量的容许度检验器第三章实验动物的检疫和传染病控制

    Chapter III The Quarantine of Experimental Animals and the Control of Their Infectious Diseases

  7. 目的通过对一例外籍船员感染尖锐湿疣情况的调查处理分析,探讨重点人群的发病因素,为检疫查验和传染病监测制定有效的控制措施。

    Objective Through the analysis of survey and treatment for a case of condyloma acuminata , we summarized the pathogenic factors in the special group and provide the scientific basis for control and treatment of quarantine inspection and infectious surveillance .

  8. 马动脉炎病毒(EAV)是马病毒性动脉炎(EVA)的病原,EVA是各国马匹进出口检疫中必检的二类检疫性传染病。

    Equine arteritis virus ( EAV ) is the pathogen of equine viral arteritis ( EVA ), one of the infectious diseases in equine to be exported or imported , which should be inspected by all countries .