
  • 网络Major League;MLB
  1. 我们的目的是构建一个GoogleGadget来显示美国棒球联盟球队的最新击球数据。

    Our goal is to build a Google Gadget that displays up-to-date batting statistics of your favorite Major League Baseball team .

  2. 与美国棒球联盟不同,美国篮球协会和其它联盟内的薪水是封顶的。

    Unlike Major League Baseball , salaries in the National Basketball Association and some other leagues are capped .

  3. Jay-Z少年时期在纽约布鲁克林区打过少年棒球联盟(LittleLeaguebaseball),他是洋基队的铁杆球迷。

    Jay-Z , who grew up playing Little League baseball in Brooklyn , is a huge Yankees fan .

  4. NBA,NFL,主流的棒球联盟,在美国各类的运动,如果某人在其所在领域长期表现杰出,不仅仅是在场上,同时场下,

    NBA , NFL , Major League Baseball , all our sports here in America , if somebody has exhibited a long career of excellence on the field , on the court and at the same time done in with class ,

  5. 它是美国篮球职业联赛、美式橄榄球联盟、国家冰上曲棍球联盟还是美国职业棒球联盟?

    Is it the NBA , NFL , NHL , or MLB ?

  6. 这十九元钱的儿童棒球联盟手套,是多么重要的一课啊!

    An important lesson for the price of a Little League baseball glove .

  7. 我们的孩子一起在棒球联盟队,比尔。

    Our kids play little league together for christ 's sake , bill .

  8. 他现在应该在少年棒球联盟上投球了

    He should be pitching Little League right now .

  9. 塞利格作为美国职业棒球联盟的大联盟执行长已经快15年了。

    Selig has been the commissioner of Major League Baseball for nearly 15 years .

  10. 日本有两个职业棒球联盟,即太平洋联盟和中央联盟。

    Japan has two professional baseball leagues : the Pacific League and the Central League .

  11. 这些结果已经被职业棒球联盟采纳三个赛季。

    The result was good enough for Major League Baseball to adopt the last three seasons .

  12. 全美职业棒球联盟协会

    National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues

  13. 美国职业棒球联盟还没有发表评论,但表示已经在进行调查。

    Major League Baseball hasn 't come until yet , but says there is an investigation going on .

  14. 因体育馆发出枪声,墨西哥棒球联盟被迫终止一场正在进行的球赛。

    The Mexican baseball league has been forced to suspend a game in progress because of gunfire at a stadium .

  15. 罗森堡说,美国职业棒球联盟球员人均年收入300万美元,我想去打棒球,可惜我不够格。

    The average Major League Baseball player makes $ 3 million a year . I wanted to play baseball but I wasnt good enough .

  16. 另一项令人顿悟的研究是由2010年韦恩州立大学进行的,这个项目研究了二十世纪五十年代前美国职业棒球联盟球员卡。

    Another aha ! moment came from a 2010 Wayne State University research project that looked into pre-1950s baseball cards of Major League players .

  17. 看看美国职业棒球联盟的类固醇丑闻,你就知道大力水手是怎样影响了一代人让他们不惜一切想要变得更强健。

    You only need to look at the steroid scandal rocking Major League Baseball to see that Popeye raised a generation that is willing to use performance enhancers .

  18. 他曾是中华职业棒球联盟薪资最高的球员,年薪达到10万美元,但现在只能勉强做到收支平衡。

    But while once among the highest-paid players in the Chinese Professional Baseball League , earning about $ 100000 a year , Chen now tries to make ends meet .

  19. 就在站在柜台后的两三天,她接到了九岁儿子杰西的电话&孩子参加儿童棒球联盟需要一副棒球手套。

    On her second or third day behind the counter , she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son , Jessie . He needed a baseball glove for Little League .

  20. 加拿大是如此地邻近美国,在许多社会活动或运动联赛如美国棒球联盟,加拿大就像美国大联盟的一部分。

    Canada is so close to the United States that in many social events or sports associations like baseball major league , Canada functions as part of the larger America 's union .

  21. “雨刷”真名蔡政宜,在他于2009年被捕之前,台湾棒球联盟便已经发生过若干操纵比赛的丑闻。该联盟于1989年创立,最初只有四只球队,因此丑闻显得格外引人瞩目。

    Before the arrest in 2009 of the Windshield Wiper , whose real name is Tsai Cheng-yi , the Taiwanese league endured several other game-fixing scandals , remarkable in a league that was founded only in 1989 and has had as few as four teams .

  22. 从市长迈克-贝尔的办公室窗口望出去,你可以看到连片的灰色高楼、小棒球联盟球场(特雷多泥鸡队的大本营)、谷仓、异常空荡的街道,和远处的炼油厂。

    The view from the offices of the mayor , Michael bell , takes in a clutch of grey skyscrapers , a minor-league baseball field ( home of the Toledo mud hens ) , grain silos , strangely empty streets and , in the distance , a petrol refinery .

  23. 这位优秀的自由球员希望与美国职业棒球大联盟的老牌劲旅纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)签订一份为期十年的新合约,总价3亿美元。

    The free-agent slugger is hoping for a new 10-year , $ 300 million contract with the Yankees .

  24. 6年前,职业棒球大联盟(MajorLeagueBaseball)就组建了一支3个人的团队专门从事手机和无线技术业务。

    Major league baseball began six years ago with a staff of three focusing on mobile and wireless technology .

  25. 根据职业棒球大联盟规则的6.08(b)条款,这个球将被判定为“触身球”,击球手将被保送上一垒。

    Major League Baseball Rule 6.08 ( b ) suggests that in this situation , the batter would be considered " hit by pitch , " and would be eligible to advance to first base .

  26. 可今年夏天,卡特出人意料地拿到了货真价实的证书,有资格做美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)和NBA职业球员的经纪人。

    But this summer , Carter became certified to represent MLB and NBA players , which contradicts that expectation .

  27. 委员,专员;伍兹这次击败的对手包括NFL,NBA与棒球大联盟的总裁与显贵们,传媒大王默多克与耐克公司的CEO菲利浦·耐特。

    The publication picked Woods ahead of the commissioners of the NFL , NBA and Major League Baseball , media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Nike CEO Philip Knight .

  28. 这个荣誉应该授给给亚伯拉罕·林肯,他在印地安那州的教堂墓地工作过一段时间,洛史都华(RodStewart)、撞击乐队(theclash)的乔·斯特拉默尔(JoeStrummer)和美国职业棒球大联盟的棒球手戴夫·凡尼都曾在墓地工作过。

    That honor would probably go to Abraham Lincoln , who worked for a time in an Indiana churchyard , as did Rod Stewart , Joe Strummer of The Clash and Major League Baseball player Dave Vanian .

  29. 赛尔克在2006年曾担任圣路易斯红雀队(theSt.LouisCardinals)的心理训练总监,这一年红雀队20年来首次赢得棒球大联盟(WorldSeries)冠军,2011年该队再获冠军。

    Selk was director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2006 , when the team won its first World Series in 20 years , as well as in 2011 , when the Cardinals won it again .

  30. 零卡已不再局限于食品杂货店,开始走进硅谷一些公司的自助餐厅,同时开始赞助美国职业棒球大联盟奥特兰运动家队(OaklandAthletics)。

    Zevia has begun selling its beverage outside of grocery stores . Its products are sold in the cafeterias of a few Silicon Valley companies and Zevia is a sponsor of Major League Baseball 's Oakland Athletics .