
  • 网络Rod
  1. 这种结构可以使棒体在一定尺寸范围内可自由伸缩、变形。

    The structure can allow the rod body to flex and deform freely in certain size range .

  2. 棒体(1)由铜制成,且一体成形。

    The rod body ( 1 ) made of copper is formed integrally .

  3. 等通道转角挤压技术(EqualChannelAngularPressing,简称ECAP),是一种通过简单的剪切原理使材料产生强烈的塑性变形,从而实现制备超细晶块体或棒体材料的有效方法。

    ECAP ( Equal Channel Angular Pressing ) is a technique subjecting materials to extensive deformation by simple shear and used to make an ultra-fine grained board and stick .

  4. 结果表明:采用一维不稳态有移动边界的熔化数学模型计算棒体的熔化速度与实验结果相符合。

    The calculated melting rate of scrap was consistent with experimental value .

  5. 擦棒球:在接手接到球前,球只是轻轻擦到棒体。

    Foul tip : A ball that barely touches the bat before continuing to the catcher .

  6. 它是由肋形丝,棒体、条体和尖形物组成错综复杂的网状结构。

    IMPAC is complicatedly structured like a network being composed of ribbed silk , rod body and tapered parts .

  7. 由于冷却作用,在金属液中凝固壳首先出现在棒体表面。

    Because of the cooling action , there would be some solidification shell in the surface of the stick first .

  8. 测量不规则棒体径向惯性矩的一般双线摆&动量矩法

    The general bifilar torsion pendulum of measuring radial moment of inertia for irregular stick shape bodies ── Method of moment of momentum

  9. 吸声棒体可设置圆柱形或椭圆柱形或棱柱形。

    The sound absorbing bar body can be in a cylinder shape , or an elliptic cylinder shape or a prism shape .

  10. 本实用新型包括棒体,棒体的两头分别固装有前连接器和后连接器;

    The utility model includes a baton body , two ends of which are equipped with a front connector and a rear connector respectively .

  11. 在金属凝固过程中,将带有冷却装置的棒体插入金属液中,并不断地通入循环冷却介质。

    In the process of solidification , a stick with cooling equipment was put into the liquid metal , and continuously put in it cooling agents .

  12. 结果表明复合材料的宏观强度与亚微米纤维的直径和长度、以及亚微米纤维、基体、共晶陶瓷棒体的弹性常数有关。

    The results show that the fracture strength was associated with the volume fraction , diameter and length of micron-fibers , and elastic constants of fiber , matrix and composite .

  13. 外部材质采用金属陶瓷,其作用是减缓传热,防止钢液在棒体表面结壳,确保晶核发生器对钢液进行连续处理,内部采用钢管来传输冷却介质。

    Great for double structure and external material USES metallic ceramics , its effect is slow , prevent heat in the great body surface of steel strip , ensure the nucleation transmitters on continuous processing , steel tube to transfer inside cooling medium .

  14. 纳米凹凸棒活性体的合成及在UV涂料中的应用研究

    Synthesis of Nano Activated Attapulgite and Its Application in UV-Curable Coatings

  15. 敏捷而勇敢的陆军军长们挥舞着锋利的刀剑,大口径短枪和大头棒-体差点失去平衡。

    Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades , blunderbusses , and bludgeons & balancing them badly .

  16. 本部分的工作目前为止主要进行了前期半月形支链和对苯撑乙炔刚性棒单体的合成,进一步的聚合偶联及后续测试有待实验室其他组员完成。

    This part of the work so far mainly focused on the synthesis of " semilunar-like " side chain substituents and phenylene acetylene rigid-rod monomer , the polymerization and coupling reactions will be continued by other team members in laboratory .

  17. 采用磁悬浮熔炼和Cu模吸铸工艺成功制备了圆棒Cu50Zr42Al8块体非晶合金,试样表面平滑且具有典型的金属光泽。

    The rod Cu_ 50Zr_ 42Al_8 bulk amorphous alloys with smooth surface and typical metal lightness were successfully prepared by copper-mold suction casting combining with magnetic-suspending melting method .

  18. 根据杆菌型、棒型虫体的出现认为,接种卵形巴贝西虫虫血感染与阳性蜱叮咬感染,其卵形巴贝西虫在牛体内的发育并不相同。

    These results suggests that appearance of the forms of Merozoines are difference between infection by injection with living parasites and ticks feeding on the cattle .

  19. 从冻干前驱体到超细镍粉的转变过程是,首先从非晶棒条前驱体的尖端、棱等比表面能较大的地方开始,并逐步还原吞噬前驱体,生成了球形超细镍粉。

    The transformation begins with the precipitation of spheroid Ni powder at the tip and edges of the precursor , and the ultrafine Ni powder develops at the expense of precursor .

  20. 测定了砂浆棒和混凝土棱柱体的膨胀率。

    The expansion of mortar bas and concrete prisms were tested .

  21. 碳酸钙修饰凹凸棒石复合粉体结构及性能研究

    Study on the Structure and the Characteristic of Attapulgite Modified by Calcium Carbonate Compound Powder

  22. 反应过程中,凹凸棒石八面体阳离子的溶解能诱导重金属共沉淀,在凹凸棒石表面形成双氢氧化物。

    During the reaction , the octahedral dissolution of palygorskite induced heavy metal ions coprecipitation forming mixed double hydroxid precipitation on the surface of palygorskite .

  23. 该电机的振动体为棒形,移动体是与振动棒圆柱面接触的一个圆柱环。

    The motor 's vibrating object is in stick shape , moving object is a cylindrical ring which contacts with vibrating stick in cylindrical surface .

  24. 对球(棒)磨机筒体衬板螺栓孔漏料、螺栓易松动及断裂原因进行了深入分析,找出了问题的根本所在,提出了处理措施,并给出了全新的结构方案。

    The paper thoroughly analyses the reasons of the spillage of bolt holes of ball ( or rod ) mill lining , and bolt loosened easily and fraeture , has sought out the basis reasons causing these wrongs , proposes the solving measures , and offers the all-new structure scheme .

  25. 作者对Harrington棒加Edwards套棒(HRS)和C型Harington棒(HRC)两种改良型Harrington棒进行应力分析,确定出棒体的危险截面和危险点。

    We analyzed the stress state of Harrington rod with Edwards sleeve ( HRS ) and Harrington rod of C type ( HRC ), and determined its dangerous cross section and dangerous point .