
  • 网络Rattan
  1. 利用MicrosoftAccess构建棕榈藤标本数据库及其管理系统

    Database Construction and Management for Rattan Herbariums Using Microsoft Access

  2. 棕榈藤基因组DNA提取及RAPD反应条件探索

    Genomic DNA Extraction and RAPD Protocols for Rattan

  3. 海南棕榈藤人工种植效益的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Benefits of Rattan Artificial Plantation in Hainan

  4. 世界棕榈藤造林和经营综述

    An Overview of Silviculture and Management of Rattan in the World

  5. 云南棕榈藤资源及发展策略棕榈藤育种研究进展

    Rattan resources and development strategies in Yunnan province , Southwest China

  6. 棕榈藤的热软化:半纤维木素基质的影响

    Thermal softening of rattan canes : influence of the hemi cellulose-lignin matrix

  7. 世界棕榈藤引种驯化进展

    A Review of Introduction and Domestication of Rattan in world

  8. 棕榈藤继代培养增殖和成苗特性的研究

    A Study on the Characteristics of Rattan Tissue Sub culture

  9. 我国棕榈藤栽培区区划初探

    Study on the Division of Rattan Cultivation Area in China

  10. 海南岛棕榈藤生产消费系统个案研究(英文)

    Rattan sector in Hainan Island , China : a case study ;

  11. 一种快速测定棕榈藤材材质特性的近红外光谱分析法

    Rapid Prediction of Rattans Property Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  12. 棕榈藤与水(英文)木材的尺寸稳定性处理

    A Review of Relationship Between Rattan and Water Treatment for Wood Dimensional Stability

  13. 大量元素对棕榈藤组培增殖的影响

    The Impact of Concentration of Macro elements on in vitro Proliferation of Rattans

  14. 棕榈藤物种的收集和引种驯化研究

    Study on the Collection and Introduction of Rattan Species

  15. 云南境内藤种丰富,适生区广,人民群众对棕榈藤的加工利用历史悠久,有良好的基础;

    Yunnan province is the greatest rattan living zone and there are many rattan species .

  16. 棕榈藤材的制备和加工

    Preparation and processing of Palm cane products

  17. 中国棕榈藤引种进展

    Review of Rattan Introduction in China

  18. 世界棕榈藤离体快速繁殖研究与发展趋势

    The Situation of Research on Fast Propagation of Rattan and the Development Trend in the World

  19. 调查研究表明:海南棕榈藤人工种植有良好的经济效益、社会效益、生态效益;

    The survey showed : rattan artificial planting possessed good economic , social and ecological benefits .

  20. 云南棕榈藤新资料

    New Materials of Rattan from Yunnan

  21. 棕榈藤的研究和发展

    Research and Advances in Rattan

  22. 与木材一样,藤材也有一些固有缺陷需要进行研究和改进。本文参照木材材性及改性的相关理论及方法,对棕榈藤的材性和改性方法进行了探讨。

    The same as wood , some nature blemish of rattan has to be studied and improved .

  23. 棕榈藤材是重要的非木材林产品,在区域经济中起着重要作用。

    Rattan canes are important non-wood forest products and they play an important role in China regional economy .

  24. 棕榈藤病害调查

    Notes of Rattan Diseases

  25. 同时,棕榈藤资源严重短缺,急需通过人工培育扩大资源数量。

    Meanwhile , the rattan resources are in great shortage , and needs to be increased by artificial cultivation .

  26. 文中论述了棕榈藤各种藤材存在的主要缺陷,并讨论了藤材的分级标准和工业用藤的规范。

    This paper discusses the main defects , classification standard and industrial specification of rattan cane and its derivatives .

  27. 棕榈藤材的缺陷包括基因缺陷、环境缺陷、生物缺陷和机械缺陷等。

    The defects of rattan canes mainly include genic defect , environmental defect , biologi - cal defect and mechanical defect .

  28. 作者详细介绍了棕榈藤的资源分布情况,并论述了世界棕榈藤产业的现状、贸易和发展前景。

    Distribution of rattan resources is introduced , and production status , trade and development prospect in the world are also mentioned .

  29. 雷公藤药材中有效部位含量的比较研究乡土用材棕榈藤种半同胞家系的早期选择

    Comparative Study on Contents of Effective Fractions in Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f.from Different Sources Growth Performance of Half-sib Progenies of Three Chinese Rattans

  30. 棕榈藤是热带地区宝贵的非本质林产品,其柔韧、抗拉和抗弯等特点使其成为编织和制作藤制品家具的主要原料。

    Rattan is valuable non - wood product in tropical areas , it has characters of pliable and tough , bending resistance , is main material of weaving and furniture making .