
tiān lài
  • sounds of nature
天籁 [tiān lài]
  • [sounds of nature] 自然界的声音,物自然而然发出的声音。如风声、鸟声、流水声等

天籁[tiān lài]
  1. 有一种音乐的名字叫做许嵩,淡淡的,犹如天籁的歌声总是能在给人一种心灵上的慰藉。

    There is a musical by the name of Xu Song , light , sounds of nature like singing is always in giving a spiritual solace .

  2. 天籁般的歌声在混沌的空间中无限的蔓延,如同似黑色的墨水中滴入了一滴殷红的鲜血,搅动了一阵心痛。

    The sound of singing as sounds of nature spreads boundlessly in chaotic space , like being like drop , having entered one drop of blackish red blood , having stirred a fit cardiodynia in the black ink .

  3. 不知从何处响起天籁般的音乐。

    Heavenly music swelled from nowhere .

  4. 基于故障树分析的日产天籁轿车ABS故障诊断研究

    Research of ABS Trouble Shooting Based on Failure Tree Analysis

  5. 随着中型家轿市场的竞争愈演愈烈,日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)希望新款天籁(Altima)能成为手中的终极武器,借此与头号竞争对手丰田(Toyota)一较高下。

    Nissan Motor Co. is betting its new altima will be the ultimate weapon in its battle to top rival Toyota in the hard-fought market for family sedans .

  6. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  7. 日产在中国生产一系列汽车,包括中型的天籁(Teana)轿车,这款车型所用的产品平台也能支持雷诺的一些车型,如拉古那(Laguna)轿车。

    The Japanese company builds a suite of cars including its midsized Teana sedan in China , a model that uses a product platform that can support Renault models such as the Laguna sedan .

  8. 他们有天籁之声,是不是啊?

    They have the voices of gods , do they not ?

  9. ‘你可曾听过它天籁般的吹奏?’

    " Did you ever hear the melody of its song ?"

  10. 天籁的产品在美国有非常辉煌的过去。

    EarthSound 's products have an excellent track record in the States .

  11. 四周突然冒出了天籁般的音乐。

    A divine music bursts out over them all .

  12. 刹那的喧哗,调侃永恒的天籁。

    The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal .

  13. “质”模仿山林溪谷的天籁音响制作了乐歌。

    Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music .

  14. 认为对天籁的释义必须是包含了八个层面的多层次界释。

    Come to think of the interpretation must be included these eight multi-level community-areas .

  15. 让我们感受探索生命的乐趣,聆听天籁般美妙的声音。

    There are so many lives to explore and so many sounds to hear .

  16. 他安静地笑起来,笑声有如天籁。

    He laughed his quiet , musical laugh .

  17. 天宇天籁,爱,终让我们沟通无障碍。

    Finally let us communicate without chock .

  18. 她歌喉之美如闻天籁。

    The celestial beauty of her voice .

  19. 正如中国传说所说的那样,它们那迷幻般的音乐是天籁之声。

    Their enchanted music , Chinese romantics have said , is the sound of heaven .

  20. 雪花,来自天籁的绿色之爱

    Snowflake Is the Love from Nature

  21. 贝克汉姆因球技而闻名于世,猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利则拥有一副天籁嗓音。

    David Beckham is renowned for his soccer skills . Elvis Presley had a wonderful voice .

  22. 天籁如何运用得宜,是修行人必须谨慎的。

    Those who practice sound of nature should be prudent in how to use it properly .

  23. 说天籁&中国音乐与诗歌美学笔记

    On the " Sound of Nature " & Aesthetic notes about Chinese ancient music and poems

  24. 且让我向各位说明天籁应该如何针对这群年轻的消费者做广告。

    Let me give you an idea of how EarthSound ought to advertise to these young people .

  25. 爱如闻天籁,兴奋不已,甚至忘了问问长者要他们要去往何方。

    So blessed and overjoyed , Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going .

  26. 南宋心学派之天籁自鸣说

    The Advocacy of Chant or Sing to Oneself by the School of Mind in Southern Song Dynasty

  27. 天籁般的音乐声飘飘渺渺若有若无,绝对不会干扰到你细声慢语的谈话。

    The dimly-discernible music sounds like from the nature and does not disturb your soft-voiced chatting absolutely .

  28. 志汇中西归大海,学兼文理求天籁&从院士思维看人文与科技整合的意义与途径

    The Significance and Ways of the Conformity of the Humanities and Science from the Perspective of Academician Thinking

  29. 这些天来的凌晨一至两点总能欣赏到天籁般的雨声。

    So these days around one to two in the morning there is this wonderful sound of rain .

  30. 参赛者的天籁声音令人惊讶,导师对学员的培训令人印象深刻。

    The talented voices of the contestants are astonishing , and the coaching of the singers is impressive .