
  • 网络Sustainable Forest Management;forest sustainable management
  1. 树种多样性指数T增加1.19%,约束条件中的q值减小2.36%,林分混交度和聚集指数分别增加2.19%和36.08%,竞争指数减小50.43%,符合森林可持续经营的要求。

    Species diversity index T increased 1.19 % , q of constraints decreases 2.36 % , stand mixed degree and contagion index increased 2.19 % and 36.08 % , competition index decreased 50.43 % , which meet the requirements of sustainable forest management .

  2. 中国森林可持续经营认证体系研究

    Study on the Sustainable Forest Management and Certification System in China

  3. ITTO热带森林可持续经营标准与指标的新进展

    Progress on ITTO Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests

  4. 本文介绍的5个组织,虽然只是美国众多林业NGO中的一小部分,但他们在美国林业管理中特别是森林可持续经营中发挥着重要的作用。

    This article only introduces 5 organizations . Although they are only a little part of the NGOs , they play an important role in American forestry operations especially in the sustainable forest management .

  5. 社区水平森林可持续经营的社会目标评价

    Evaluation of social goals of sustainable forest management at community level

  6. 产权改革对森林可持续经营具有重要影响。

    Property right reform had significant effects on forest sustainable management .

  7. 森林可持续经营背景下的森林经营管理原则

    Principles of Forest Management on the Background of Forest Sustainable Management

  8. 国际森林可持续经营的标准与指标体系研制的进展

    International Progress in Study of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management

  9. 关于森林可持续经营与天然林保护若干问题的探讨

    Studies on some problems of sustainable Forest Management and Nature Forest protection

  10. 森林可持续经营国际讨论与我国的对策

    International discussion on forestry sustainable management and countermeasures of China

  11. 阐述了森林可持续经营提出的背景;

    The background of Forest Sustainable Management is described in this paper .

  12. 加拿大森林可持续经营研究进展及其对中国的启示

    Research Progress and Apocalypses of Sustainable Forest Management in Canada

  13. 森林可持续经营综合评价方法比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Comprehensive Evaluation Methods for the Sustainable Forest Management

  14. 林业可持续发展和森林可持续经营的框架理论(下)

    The Framework Theory on Sustainable Forestry Development and Sustainable Forest Management ;

  15. 生态公益林建设对森林可持续经营的影响

    The Effects of Ecological Public Welfare Forest Construction on Sustainable Forest Management

  16. 鄂尔多斯市造林总场森林可持续经营评价研究

    Research on Forest Sustainable Management Appraisal of Erdos Forest Farm

  17. 谈森林可持续经营的含义与标准

    A Brief Talk On The Meanings And Standard Of Forest Sustainable Management

  18. 培育优质阔叶材混交林与森林可持续经营

    Cultivating High quality Hardwood Mixed Plantations and Sustainable Forest Management

  19. 森林可持续经营能力评估模型研究

    Study on the model of evaluation on the capacity of sustainable forest management

  20. 张掖地区森林可持续经营标准与指标

    Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Zhangye

  21. 阐述了人工林的生物学稳定性与森林可持续经营的关系,人工林生物学上的不稳定是人工林可持续经营中存在的突出问题。

    The relationship between plantation biological stability and its sustainable management was studied .

  22. 示范林业是森林可持续经营的创新实践。

    The forestry of demonstration is a sustainable innovative practice of forest management .

  23. 从5个方面论述了森林可持续经营的措施。

    The paper summarizes the measures of sustainable forest management from 5 respects .

  24. 甘肃省天然林资源保护工程及森林可持续经营初探

    Study on Natural Forest Resource Protection Project in Gansu and Sustainable Forest Management

  25. 森林可持续经营状态过程的特征及其判断方法

    Properties and Judging Methods of the State and Process of Sustainable Forest Management

  26. 充分认识和全面发挥人工林在森林可持续经营中的作用

    Deeply Understanding and Fully Developing the Functions of Plantations in Sustainable Forest Management

  27. 森林可持续经营实践若干问题的思考

    Think deeply about problems of forest sustainable management

  28. 森林可持续经营认证及其影响

    Certification of Sustainable Forestry Management and Its Impacts

  29. 我国森林可持续经营状况的评价

    Assessment on the Sustainable Forest Management in China

  30. 安徽省森林可持续经营的探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Forest Management in Anhui Province