
sēn lín qū
  • forest area
  1. 中国东北样带(NECT)东部森林区的植被与表土花粉的定量关系

    Study of Quantitative Relationships Between Vegetation and Pollen in Surface Samples in the Eastern Forest Area of Northeast China Transect

  2. 本研究根据干扰程度和植被特征,将喀斯特峰丛洼地划分为自然保护原始森林区、自然恢复次生林区、综合治理人工林区和人为干扰区4个生态功能区。

    Peak-cluster depression area of karst region were divided into four ecological areas according to artificial disturbance and characteristics of vegetation in the present study , including artificial forest area , secondary forest area , primary forest area and disturbed area .

  3. 用天然~(13)C丰度法评估贵州茂兰喀斯特森林区玉米地土壤中有机碳的来源

    Origins of soil organic carbon with the method of natural ~ ( 13 ) C abundance in maize fields

  4. 全球晶圆公司同其他高科技公司一起,与哈德逊谷社区学院(HudsonValleyCommunityCollege)紧密合作,该学院拥有一个名为“TEC-SMART”的专门用于半导体相关培训的园区,也坐落于同一片森林区。

    Along with other high-tech companies , GlobalFoundries is working closely with Hudson Valley Community College , which has a dedicated semiconductor-training campus , called TEC-SMART , nestled in the same forest .

  5. 广布的湿润森林区是澳大利亚老第三纪的特征。

    Extensive regions of wet forests characterized the Early Tertiary in Australia .

  6. 森林区的种群密度与农业区同样的高。

    Forested areas sustain almost as high a population as the agricultural sites .

  7. 我们要扫荡佛伊东边森林区。

    We 'd cleared the woods east of foy .

  8. 森林区对降水量的变化反应敏感;

    It is quite sensitive for the forest biome respond to the change of precipitation .

  9. 广州市典型森林区酸雨的化学组成、季节变化及其成因探讨

    Chemical composition , seasonal variation and origin of acid precipitation in typical forest areas in Guangzhou

  10. 这个区域是雨水森林区,从而造就了潮湿多雨的气候;

    There are rain forests in this region , due to the more humid , rainy climate .

  11. 我时常在想,这些房屋的主人一定很喜欢住在如此美丽的原始森林区附近。

    I often think that the owners of these houses must enjoy living right next to such beautiful bushland .

  12. 去年9月,在森林区,八名官员和记者在一场反埃博拉的集会上被村民打死。

    In the Forest Region , eight officials and journalists were killed by villagers during an anti-Ebola rally in September .

  13. 因为野兔太多了,我经常在想,它们的数量太多了对原始森林区会不会不好。

    There are so many that I often wonder if they are becoming too numerous for the good of the bushland .

  14. 基于中国东北样带东部森林区8个植被样方和表土花粉资料,定量分析了每种植物与表土花粉类型的关系。

    The eastern forest stands of Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) were chosen to study the quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples .

  15. 据那时仍为大法官的里克斯特的观点,最高法院认为建立国家森林区的唯一目的是保护木材资源和分水线。

    In an opinion by then-Justice Rehnquist , the Supreme Court held that the sole purposes of creating national forests were to preserve timber supply and watersheds .

  16. 我往西走时,右手边可以看到长满草的原始森林区,左手边是最后一排郊区住宅的后院篱笆。

    As I walk westwards , I see large grassy bushland to my right and the back fences of the last line of suburban houses on my left .

  17. 基于能值理论的生态资本价值&以阜康市天山北坡中段森林区生态系统为例

    Study on the value of ecological capital based on the emery theory : A case study on the forest ecosystem in the middle part of the north slope of the Tianshan Mountain

  18. 大部分新病例——大约27例——出现在几内亚,有一个地区已经成为重点疫区:首都科纳克里东南部的福雷卡里亚区,那里距离几内亚森林区的疫情源头非常远。

    Most of the new cases , about 27 , are in Guinea , and one area in particular is a problem spot : the Forecariah district southeast of the capital , Conakry .

  19. 消防管理的策略主要是强调森林区消防安全教育、加强火把管理、强调燃料管理并提高火灾控制和灭火能力。

    The strategies of fire management in the region is to stress the fire education in forest regions , strengthen the firebrands management , emphasize the fuel management , and improve the fire monitoring and the ability of fire attack .

  20. 系统地开展了表土花粉模拟生物群区的研究,并取得了良好的结果;基于中国东北样带东部森林区8个植被样方和表土花粉资料,定量分析了每种植物与表土花粉类型的关系。

    The patterns of biomes have simulated systemically by the results of surface pollen analysis . The eastern forest stands of Northeast China Transect ( NECT ) were chosen to study the quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples .

  21. 评价结果:文化景观区评价得分最高为43分;都市森林区其次,为38分;休闲健身区为32分、游憩活动区为29分、自然生态区评分最低为28分。

    Results of the evaluation : cultural landscape area get the highest score-43 points ; following is urban forest area with 38 points ; then leisure fitness areas receive 32 points and recreation activities area reach 29 points ; nature area range the last as 28 points .

  22. 由于萨拉托加经济开发公司于2005年的一次意外造访,该地区被选定为一家半导体厂商“全球晶圆”的理想建厂地,要在萨拉托加森林区(见上图)建成一座耗资46亿美元,面积达两百万平方英尺的园区。

    Thanks to a cold call placed by the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation in 2005 , pitching the area as an ideal site for a factory , GlobalFoundries , a semiconductor manufacturer , is building a $ 4.6 billion , 2m-square-foot campus in a Saratoga forest ( above ) .

  23. 影响山地地震测量精度和作业效率的因素很多,主要是GPS(RTK)测量的高程精度、森林覆盖区、恶劣地形条件下的作业效率等问题。

    There are many factors affecting mountain seismic survey accuracy and efficiency there , i.e.the height accuracy of GPS ( RTK ) survey and the operating efficiency under the conditions of forest-covered area and rough topography .

  24. 最近,争论了10年之久的接近60m英亩的国家森林保护区(未被任何道路破坏)的去留问题,引起了政治界的广泛关注。

    Thus the political heat that has attended a decade-old argument over the future of nearly60m acres of national forest , which is currently unbroken by any road .

  25. 云南热带森林的区系组成特点与分布

    The distribution and floristic composition characteristic to tropical forest in Yunnan

  26. 江西森林旅游区饭店管理创新研究

    The Research on Hotel Management Creation of Jiangxi Forest Recreation Area

  27. 试论森林风景区景观生态规划的拓展与流变

    Spread and Evolution of Landscape Ecological Planning of Forest Scenic Spot

  28. 祁连山国家级自然保护区森林害虫区系结构概貌

    Faunal analysis of the insects collected from Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve

  29. 到1974年,四分之一的森林保护区已被砍伐一空。

    A quarter of the forest reserves had been cut down by1974 .

  30. 建立森林保护区,立法禁止猎杀动物。

    Build forest reserves , and pass law prohibiting the killing animals .