• chair
  • 有靠背的坐具:~子。坐~。木~。躺~。

  • 落叶乔木,木材可以制器物。亦称“山桐子”。


(椅子) chair:

  • 安乐椅

    easy chair;

  • 长沙发椅

    divan chair;

  • 单扶手椅

    tablet chair;

  • 扶手椅


  • 柳条椅

    wicker chair;

  • 双人椅

    double chair;

  • 藤椅

    cane [rattan] chair;

  • 摇椅

    rocking chair

  1. 她把床头椅转向正对门的方向。

    She had turned the bedside chair to face the door

  2. 他的脚脖子被绑在椅腿上。

    His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair

  3. 他四肢伸开正懒散地靠在扶手椅上看电视。

    He was lying sprawled in an armchair , watching TV .

  4. 我一下子坐在了宽大的扶手椅里。

    I sank down into a voluminous armchair .

  5. 椅座上又铺回了花毯。

    The seats of the chairs had been recovered in tapestry

  6. 他在扶手椅中坐下,打开了收音机。

    He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio .

  7. 他坐在扶手椅上打盹,睡着了。

    He was nodding off to sleep in an armchair .

  8. 她坐在扶手椅中,身上裹着毯子。

    She was sitting in an armchair with blankets wrapped round her .

  9. 他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。

    He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench

  10. 我正坐在一把摇摇晃晃的塑料椅上。

    I was sitting on a wobbly plastic chair .

  11. 我们在两把柳条椅上肩并肩坐着。

    We sat side by side on two wicker seats

  12. 她坐到一把扶手椅上,跷起了二郎腿。

    She sank into an armchair and crossed her legs

  13. 她揽着他的肩膀,将他领到一把扶手椅旁。

    She led him to an armchair , with her arm round his shoulder

  14. 她穿过房间,坐在座位靠窗一侧的扶手椅上。

    She crossed the room and sat in the armchair flanking the window seat

  15. 他在凹陷的扶手椅上坐下了。

    He sat down in the sagging armchair .

  16. 索科洛夫斯基缓缓地坐到黑色皮椅上。

    Sokolowski lowered himself into the black leather chair

  17. 这张便携椅可以折叠,便于收纳。

    This portable seat folds flat for easy storage

  18. 亨利在婴儿椅里开心地咯咯笑。

    Henry gurgles happily in his baby chair .

  19. 克莱尔坐在前排长木椅上。

    Claire sat in the front pew .

  20. 一个3英尺高的世界锦标赛银质奖杯放在一把木雕椅附近,位置非常显眼。

    A three-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair

  21. 弗雷德优哉游哉地躺在安乐椅上。

    Fred lazed in an easy chair

  22. 一个男人坐在扶手椅里,另一个坐在桌子前面。

    One man sat in an armchair , and the other sat on the front of the desk

  23. 他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。

    He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair , a cup of tea in his hand .

  24. 他趴在长沙发椅上,睡得很熟。

    He was lying prone on the couch , fast asleep .

  25. 他坐在扶手椅里打盹儿。

    He dozed off in the armchair .

  26. 市长坐在一把扶手椅上等着他。

    The mayor was waiting for him , sitting in an armchair .

  27. 那张扶手椅坐起来舒服,但不太美观。

    That armchair is comfortable but not very aesthetic .

  28. 我们在桌子周围摆放了四把木椅。

    We arranged four wooden chairs around the table .

  29. 这个孩子在又大又软的安乐椅中蜷着身子,手里拿着一本书。

    The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book .

  30. 她一语不发,从长沙发椅上站了起来。

    Wordlessly , she rises from the couch .