
  • 网络herbal classic
  1. 中国的《神农本草经》是世界上最古的本草书。写于2,000多年前,记载了300多种动植矿物。

    “ The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing ”, written more than 2,000 years ago , was the earliest book on materia medica in the world . Recorded in the book are over 300 kinds of animals , plants , and minerals used for medication .

  2. 在古籍《神农本草经》中已有关于红小豆药用的记载。

    In books ," Shen Nong 's Herbal Classic " has been recorded on the medicinal Bean .

  3. 经常分类为桂皮属的许多灌木和草本属。神农本草经(中医)

    Genus of shrubs and trees and herbs many of which are often classified as members of the genus Cassia .

  4. 对《神农本草经》中云:“斑蝥性寒”提出疑义,认为斑蝥性热而非性寒。

    This paper doubts the statement " Mylabrisis cold in nature ", which is mentioned in ? Shennong Classic of Materia Medica , and argues that it is heat , not cold .

  5. 在中国肉苁蓉的运用已有一千多年的悠久历史,在最古老的药学书《神农本草经》中就有记载。

    Cistanche has been used in China with a long history of a thousand years , which was documented in the oldest materia medica book ," Shennong 's classic of materia medica " .

  6. 据说神农尝遍百草以试验它们的疗效,并且写了《神农本草经》。《神农本草经》是中国现存最早的药典。

    He is said to have tasted hundreds of herbs to test their medicinal value , and is assumed to be the author of Shen-nung pen ts'ao ching ( Divine Husbandman 's Materia Medica ) , the earliest extant Chinese pharmacopoeia .

  7. 《神农本草经》是现存最早的药物学专著,为我国早期临床用药经验的第一次系统总结,历代被誉为中药学经典著作。

    Emperor Shen Nong * s Material and Medica ( Shengnong Bai Cao ) is the earliest existent pharmaceutical work of the Eastern Han and the first systematic conclusion about the medicine application , known as the classic of the traditional Chinese pharmaceutical system .

  8. 自《神农本草经》问世至今,历代有关中药学的专著有数百种之多,均对我国中药学的发展作出了较大的贡献,其中明代李时珍的《本草纲目》更是誉满全球的中药学专著。

    Since the publication ofthe work , there have been hundreds of treatises on TCM , all of which have contributed a lot to its development . Among them , Bencao Gangmu ( also An Outline Treatise of Medical Herbs ) written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty was a world renowned treatise on TCM .

  9. 至东汉末年,我国的第一部中药学专著《神农本草经》出版,奠定了中药学的理论基础。

    The publication of the TCM treatise which typified the period , namely Huangdi Neijing , marked the formation of the unique theoretical system of TCM.Not until the late Eastern Han Dynasty was the first TCM treatise Shengnong Bencao Jing ( also Shennon , g 's Classic of Materia Medica ) published , which laid the theoretical foundation for TCM .