- 网络background count rate;RLU

The radioactivity of ( 14 ) ~ C and its β spectrum can be measured in low count-rate background .
In this system , the background counting rate is 0.7/s and background efficiency ratio is 1.82/s for HPGe detector of 38.4 % relative efficiency in 100 ~ 2 000 keV energy range .
A high-sensitive scintillation chamber of 75 ml in volume with detection efficiency ~ 82 % and background counting rate ~ 0.09 cpm has been developed .
The background count of the detector is 4 ~ 6 counts 1 min.
The background counts of r-ray photons , whose energy range is from 0.05 to 2 MeV , is 1053 cpm in the lead shield .
By use of Pb shielding and coincidence technology , the background counts are kept below 10 - 4 per shot , which satisfies the low background requirement of single photon incident .
Within the fixed time , when a ratio of measured time for radioactive sample to background equals the ratio of square root of radioactive count for radioactive sample to background , there are minimal measure errors .