
  • 网络benton;Thomas Hart Benton;robert benton;Mike Benton
  1. 西北太平洋国家实验室的科学家们称,他们认为“牛奶雨”可能来自日本一座火山喷发出的火山灰。本顿清洁空气机构则表示,他们的科学家认为,俄勒冈州中部地区的灰尘是罪魁祸首。

    Scientists at the Pacific Northwest Nationallab said they believe the rain may have carried volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Japan , while Benton Clean Air said its staffers believe dust from central Oregon was the culprit .

  2. 位于华盛顿州的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和本顿清洁空气机构的官员称,已采集了“牛奶雨”的样本。这种雨水给两个州很多地区的汽车上蒙上一层粉末状残留物。

    Officials at both the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Benton Clean Air Agency , both in Washington state , said they had collected samples of the rain , which left a powdery residue on cars across a wide swath of two states .

  3. 哈佛大学尼曼新闻实验室(NiemanJournalismLab)主任约书亚•本顿(JoshuaBenton),称苹果此举“令人担忧”。

    Joshua Benton , director of Harvard University 's Nieman Journalism Lab , called it a " worrisome " development .

  4. 应用词语回忆测验、图片回忆测验、数字广度测验、本顿视觉保持测验C式A法及D式D法进行测试。

    Four neuropsychological tests were used to examine memory function , including the words recall test , the pictures recall test , the digit span test and Benton visual retention test ( C pattern A method and D pattern D method ) .

  5. 方法:选取正常儿童和言语型学习障碍(VLD)、NLD儿童各20名,进行速示下记忆实验和本顿视觉保持测验(VRT)测试。

    Methods : Adapting tachistoscopic vision and Benton Revised Visual Retention Test ( VRT ), three groups involving 20 children each were studied .

  6. 全球最大零售商沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)的首席执行官李•斯科特(LeeScott)正在重新拾起他所谓的细节。最近,这表现为他在沃尔玛位于阿肯色州本顿维尔低调的公司总部里坐下来尝派。

    Lee Scott , chief executive of Wal-Mart , is returning to what he calls the details . Recently , that meant sitting down to sample pies at the unassuming corporate headquarters of the world 's largest retailer in Bentonville , Arkansas .

  7. 所实施的心理测验包括数字广度、WMS视觉记忆测验、本顿视觉保持测验、连线测验、符号数字、栓子安插和手指敲击测验。

    The psychological tests consisted of Digit Span , Visual Reproduction of WMS , Benton Visual Retention Test , Trail-Making Test , Symbol-Digit Modality Test , Grooved Pegboard Test , and Finger Tapping Test .

  8. 他的经营原则将纯朴的风格,与每分钱成本都精打细算、对物流效率的热衷相结合,这使得沃尔玛能够走出总部所在的偏远城市本顿维尔(Bentonville),征服了美国市场。

    His doctrine combines down-home style with ruthless penny-pinching and a zeal for logistical efficiency : it enabled Walmart to conquer America from its isolated home town , Bentonville .

  9. 总部位于美国阿肯色州本顿维尔(Bentonville,Ark.)的沃尔玛还推出了一项新的环保举措,要求其全球供应商按照沃尔玛的企业环保规定提高能源效率,减少废弃物。

    The Bentonville , Ark . , company is also launching a new environmental initiative , requiring its global suppliers to improve energy efficiency and waste reduction based on its own corporate environmental regulations .

  10. 芬奇,我知道为什么医生在尾行本顿了。

    Finch , I know why the doctor 's stalking Benton .

  11. 警方正搜捕一名今天越狱的本顿维尔监狱犯人。

    Police are searchingfor a man who escaped from Pentonville prison today .

  12. 汉语阅读障碍儿童在本顿视觉保持测验中的反应特征

    Characteristics of children with specific reading disorder in Benton visual retention test

  13. 本顿先生有一个已经被撤销的大学旧记录。

    Mr. Benton has an old college record that 's been expunged .

  14. 英格兰银行、伦敦塔、本顿维尔监狱,

    Bank of England , Tower of London , Pentonville .

  15. 给本顿先生时间,让他把话讲完。

    Give Mr Benton time to talk himself out .

  16. 学习障碍儿童的本顿视觉保持实验研究

    Characteristics of Children with Learning Disabilities : Result of Revised Visual Retention Test

  17. 芬奇…不是本顿在尾行医生。

    Finch ... Benton 's not stalking the doctor .

  18. 里瑟,医生在本顿家已经有五分钟了。

    Reese , the doctor 's been at Benton 's loft for five minutes .

  19. 她朝本顿的家里去了。

    She 's headed toward Benton 's loft .

  20. 他在托马斯哈特本顿的指导下学习。

    He studied under Thomas Hart benton .

  21. 她要杀了本顿。

    She 's going to murder Benton .

  22. 我们非常高兴,盼望再一次和您以及本顿先生见面。

    We are both looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Mr Benton again .

  23. 本顿有前科吗?

    Does Benton have a record ?

  24. 我经常在星期天到本顿做礼拜,然后和她家人一起吃午饭。

    Often on Sundays , I would go to Benton to church and lunch with her family .

  25. 这种律师对法律的每个漏洞都一清二楚,可以让像本顿这样的败类逃脱制裁。

    The kind of lawyers that know every loophole a piece of garbage like Benton can crawl through .

  26. 斯科特在堪萨斯州东南部的一个小镇长大,距离本顿维尔仅70英里。

    Mr Scott was raised just 70 miles away from Bentonville , in a small town in south-east Kansas .

  27. 应用本顿视觉保持测验评估非医学指征剖宫产儿童的认知功能特征

    Character of cognitive function in children born through caesarean section without medical signs evaluated by Benton Visual Retention Test

  28. 英格兰银行,伦敦塔,本顿维尔监狱,英国最安全的三个地方。

    Bank of England , Tower of London , Pentonville . Three of the most secure places in the country

  29. 在纽约,他或许会穿着西装,但在本顿维尔,他更喜欢休闲夹克,不打领带。

    In New York he might wear a suit but in Bentonville he favours a casual jacket and no tie .

  30. 沃尔玛在阿肯色州本顿维尔总部的效率极高。我在这里已经呆了36个小时。

    Efficiency runs in the water here in Bentonville , Arkansas , where I 've spent the past 36 hours .