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  • 网络Surangama Sutra;the shurangama sutra
  1. 各位由这一点,应该深信这个《楞严经》和〈楞严咒〉。

    For that reason , you should all deeply believe in the Shurangama Sutra and Shurangama mantra .

  2. 从我了解的观点来讲,《楞严经》能够显示,这种修行上的境界并不是重要的,因为它用了一种不同的语言。

    One way in which the Shurangama Sutra shows the unimportance of these spiritual experiences is by changing the language .

  3. 所以这个《楞严经》,就是为〈严咒〉说。

    It was because of the Shurangama mantra that the Shurangama Sutra was spoken .

  4. 从其诗文可以看出黄庭坚对《楞严经》相当了解和熟悉。

    From his poem and essays , we could see that he was quite familiar with Leng Yan Sutra .

  5. 主要讨论《楞严经》之真伪之争,以及它在历史上对中国文化所产生的影响。

    Discuss this book of the authenticity of the dispute , and its history on the impact of Chinese culture .

  6. 那么我知道虚老一生之中,对《楞严经》是特别重视的。

    I know that , throughout his whole life , the Elder Hsu regarded the Shurangama Sutra as being especially important .

  7. 唐前中国传统观念是五官各司其职,大乘佛教诸经论主张“六根互用”,《楞严经》对此身体哲学尤有发挥。

    Prior to the Tang Dynasty , classics of Mahayana advocate the communication of six senses and Shurangrma Sutra elaborates a lot on this body philosophy .

  8. 佛已经在《楞严经》里讲得很清楚了,观世音菩萨就是以“反闻闻自性,性成无上道”而成就“观世音”的。

    Now , according to the Shurangama Sutra , we know Guan Yin Bodhisattva got his name by contemplating inwardly upon our self-nature and eventually attain the supreme bodhi .

  9. 从另外一个观点来说,《楞严经》是对今天的佛法是这麽地重要,因为它教导我们关于五蕴不同的层次。

    There is another way in which the Shurangama Sutra is vital to the Dharma today , and that is the way in which it teaches about the skandha states .

  10. 那麽,在我看到《楞严经》以前,虽然我了解戒律是我们修行很重要的一部分,可是我并没有了解到,它是扮演了这麽重要的一个角色。

    Before coming across the Shurangama Sutra , although I was aware that precepts were a part of the Path , I didn 't know that they played such a vital role .

  11. 我也很愿意讲这个《楞严经》和《法华经》,因为这两部经,既能开智慧,又能成佛。

    I 'm very willing to lecture on the the Shurangama Sutra and the Dharma Flower Sutra , because these two Sutras can develop people 's wisdom and lead them to Buddhahood .